- Facebook Launches One of the Toughest Reinforcement Learning Challenges in History - Jun 15, 2021.
The FAIR team just launched the NetHack Challenge as part of the upcoming NeurIPS 2021 competition. The objective is to test new RL ideas using a one of the toughest game environments in the world.
Challenge, Facebook, Reinforcement Learning
- What makes a winning entry in a Machine Learning competition? - May 5, 2021.
So you want to show your grit in a Kaggle-style competition? Many, many others have the same idea, including domain experts and non-experts, and academic and corporate teams. What does it take for your bright ideas and skills to come out on top of thousands of competitors?
Challenge, Competition, Kaggle, Machine Learning, PyTorch, TensorFlow
How to ace the data science coding challenge - Oct 15, 2020.
Preparing to interview for a Data Scientist position takes preparation and practice, and then it could all boil down to a final review of your skills. Based on personal experience, these tips on how to approach such a review will help you excel in the coding challenge project for your next interview.
Beginners, Challenge, Data Science, Interview, Programming
- Interesting Social Media Datasets - Aug 13, 2014.
Learn about some of the many interesting social media datasets available to you, some of which are quite new, and the different features and challenges they offer you for your next big data science project.
Challenge, Data Visualization, Datasets, Open Data, Social Media Analytics