- Cartoon: Data Science for Thanksgiving - Nov 25, 2021.
A classic KDnuggets Thanksgiving cartoon examines the predicament of one group of fowl Data Scientists.
Cartoon, Data Science, Humor, Thanksgiving
- Cartoon: How Deep Is That Data Lake? - Oct 2, 2021.
New KDnuggets Cartoon looks at some of the problems data engineers may encounter when trying to measure data lakes.
Cartoon, Data Engineer, Data Lake
Cartoon: Data Scientist vs Data Engineer - Feb 20, 2021.
New KDnuggets Cartoon examines the problems of Data Scientists vs Data Engineers.
Cartoon, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Humor
- Cartoon: Cloud Dating - Oct 17, 2020.
New KDnuggets cartoon looks at how AI can transform love and romance.
AI, Cartoon, Cloud Computing, Humor, Love, Online Dating
I have a joke about … - Aug 1, 2020.
I have a machine learning joke, but it is not performing as well on a new audience. We bring you a selection of the nerdy self-referential computer jokes that were popular on the web recently.
Cartoon, Deep Learning, Humor
- Cartoon: The Worst Telemedicine? - May 16, 2020.
New KDnuggets cartoon examines what may be the worst example of telemedicine ...
Cartoon, Healthcare, Humor
- Cartoon: AI understanding of Coronavirus - Apr 1, 2020.
Here is a cartoon to distract you, showing a new level of understanding AI could reach.
AI, Cartoon, Coronavirus, Humor
- Cartoon: Teaching Ethics to AI - Jan 4, 2020.
Ethics in AI has received significant attention recently, and the new KDnuggets cartoon examines the problem of teaching ethics to artificially intelligent entities.
AI, Cartoon, Ethics, Humor, Self-Driving Car
- KDnuggets Cartoon in an English textbook? - Dec 24, 2019.
KDnuggets is not only for learning about AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning. A KDnuggets cartoon has been included in an English language and culture textbook for French high-school students.
About KDnuggets, Cartoon, France, Self-Driving Car
Cartoon: Unsupervised Machine Learning? - Sep 14, 2019.
New KDnuggets Cartoon looks at one of the hottest directions in Machine Learning and asks "Can Machine Learning be too unsupervised?"
Cartoon, Humor, Machine Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Yann LeCun
- Cartoon: Labor Day in the age of AI - Sep 2, 2019.
KDnuggets cartoon looks at how AI will impact Labor Day in the year 2050.
AI, Cartoon, Labor Day, Robots
- Cartoon: AI + Self-Driving + BBQ = ? - Jul 4, 2019.
KDnuggets Cartoon looks at what happens when AI and self-driving technology collide with the traditional summer pastime of grilling.
Adversarial, Cartoon, Deep Learning, Self-Driving Car
- Cartoon: AI and March Madness - Mar 14, 2019.
AI has mastered chess, Go, and other games, but can AI master March Madness? KDnuggets Cartoon imagines one scenario when this happens.
AI, Basketball, Cartoon, March Madness, Sports
- Cartoon: Is this how you do the blockchain thing? - Jan 19, 2019.
Despite the increasing popularity of Blockchain, the concept remains hard to understand. Here is one attempt to explain it.
Blockchain, Cartoon, Humor
- Cartoon: Thanksgiving, Big Data, and Turkey Data Science. - Nov 22, 2018.
A classic KDnuggets Thanksgiving cartoon examines the predicament of one group of fowl Data Scientists.
Cartoon, Data Science, Thanksgiving
- Cartoon: Halloween Costume for Big Data. - Oct 31, 2018.
We revisit KDnuggets cartoon looking at the appropriate Halloween costume for Big Data and its companion, No Privacy.
Big Data, Cartoon, Halloween, Privacy
- Cartoon: Where AI achieves excellence - Sep 22, 2018.
We examine what can happen when lawyers are replaced with Machine Learning.
AI, Cartoon, Humans vs Machines, Law
- Cartoon: Labor Day in the year 2050 - Sep 2, 2018.
KDnuggets cartoon looks at how Labor Day can change in the year 2050.
Cartoon, Labor Day, Robots
- Cartoon: Machine Learning takes a vacation - Aug 18, 2018.
August is a popular time for vacation, and even hard-working AI may want to take a few epochs off from its training. KDnuggets Cartoon looks at how this might go.
Cartoon, Deep Learning, Humor, Machine Learning, Robots
Cartoon: Data Scientist was the sexiest job of the 21st century until … - Jul 14, 2018.
This Data Scientist thought that he had the sexiest job of the 21st century until the arrival of the competition ...
Automated, Automated Data Science, Automation, Cartoon, Data Scientist, Tom Davenport
- Cartoon: How is Data Science Different From Religion? - Jul 8, 2018.
This difference between Data Science and Religion is not what you expect ...
Cartoon, Data Science, Religion
Cartoon: FIFA World Cup Football and Machine Learning - Jun 16, 2018.
In honor of 2018 FIFA World Cup in Football, we update our classic KDnuggets cartoon - what players can do when their moves are predicted by Machine Learning?
Cartoon, Football, Soccer, World Cup
- Cartoon: GDPR first effect on Privacy - May 30, 2018.
New KDnuggets Cartoon examines the first unexpected effect of GDPR on Privacy.
Cartoon, GDPR, Privacy
- Cartoon: AI Masters the March Madness - Mar 24, 2018.
AI has mastered chess, Go, and other games, but can AI master March Madness? KDnuggets Cartoon imagines one scenario when this happens.
AI, Basketball, Cartoon, March Madness, Sports
- Cartoon: Machine Learning Problems in 2118 - Feb 14, 2018.
For Valentine's day, new KDnuggets cartoon looks at some problems Machine Learning can face in 2118.
Cartoon, Machine Learning, Robots, Valentine's Day
- Cartoon: AI at Home: How Far Can A Smart Device Go? - Jan 6, 2018.
New KDnuggets cartoon looks at AI at Home technology and considers how a novel way how a smart device can help its owner to lose weight.
AI, Cartoon, Humor, IoT
- Cartoon: AI and Technology Transforming Christmas? - Dec 16, 2017.
New KDnuggets cartoon looks at how AI and the new technology can transform Christmas.
Cartoon, Humor, Self-Driving Car
- Cartoon: What Else Can AI Guess From Your Face? - Sep 16, 2017.
Recent story about AI able to guess if a person is gay or straight from their photo led us to think what else can AI guess from your face.
AI, Cartoon, Face Recognition, Food, Humor
Cartoon: Future Machine Learning Class - Sep 2, 2017.
New KDnuggets Cartoon looks at an unusual but possible future Machine Learning Class.
Cartoon, Data Cleaning, Machine Learning
- Cartoon: The First Ever Self-Driving, Deep Learning Grill - Jul 15, 2017.
New KDnuggets Cartoon looks at what happens when self-driving craze collides with the traditional summer pastime of grilling.
Adversarial, Cartoon, Deep Learning, Self-Driving Car
- Cartoon: Mother Of All Data. - May 14, 2017.
We revisit KDnuggets Mother's Day Cartoon. Enjoy and don't forget the mothers in your life - Big Data predicted that 67.53% of you would remember.
Cartoon, Humor
Cartoon: Machine Learning – What They Think I Do - Apr 29, 2017.
Different views of Machine Learning: What society, my friends, my parents, other programmers think I do, and what I really do.
Cartoon, Machine Learning
- Cartoon: the distance between Espresso and Cappuccino - Apr 22, 2017.
This cartoon takes a vector space approach to your favorite drinks and examines the distance between Espresso and Cappuccino. Warning: this is only funny to Data Scientists and mathematicians.
Cartoon, Coffee, Humor, word2vec
- Cartoon: Taxes, Artificial Intelligence, and Humans - Apr 15, 2017.
In honor of Tax Day, new KDnuggets Cartoon looks at an unexpected white-collar job that may resist automation and Machine Learning.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Cartoon, Fraud Detection, Humans, Taxes
- Cartoon: What Happens When AI Masters the March Madness - Mar 14, 2017.
March Madness college basketball phenomenon is underway. New KDnuggets Cartoon looks at what happens when AI masters the March Madness.
AI, Basketball, Cartoon, March Madness, Sports
- Causation or Correlation: Explaining Hill Criteria using xkcd - Feb 20, 2017.
This is an attempt to explain Hill’s criteria using xkcd comics, both because it seemed fun, and also to motivate causal inference instructures to have some variety in which xkcd comic they include in lectures.
Cartoon, Causation, Correlation, Statistics, xkcd
- Cartoon: Perfect Valentine’s Dates Found With Data Analysis - Feb 14, 2017.
New KDnuggets Cartoon shows one example where perfect Valentine's Dates can be found with scientific data analysis.
Alexa, Cartoon, Cortana, Data Scientist, Siri, Valentine's Day
- Cartoon: When Self-Driving Car + Machine Learning takes you too far … - Jan 4, 2017.
What can happen in the not too distant future when advanced technologies like a Self-Driving car and Machine Learning Recommendations Engine are combined ...
Cartoon, Food, Recommendation Engine, Self-Driving Car
A Funny Look at Big Data and Data Science - Dec 27, 2016.
A less than serious look at Big Data and Data Science. If you can laugh at all cartoons, then your Data Science skills are in good shape.
Big Data, Cartoon, Humor, SQL
- Cartoon: Thanksgiving, Big Data, and Turkey Data Science. - Nov 23, 2016.
We revisit KDnuggets Thanksgiving cartoon, which examines the predicament of one group of fowl Data Scientists.
Big Data, Cartoon, Thanksgiving
- Cartoon: Scary Big Data - Oct 29, 2016.
What do Halloween and Big Data have in common? Both can be scary, as new KDnuggets cartoon shows.
Big Data, Cartoon, Halloween, Healthcare, Privacy
- Cartoon: Labor Day in the era of Robotics - Sep 5, 2016.
Amidst all the discussion about robots and automation taking over human jobs, new KDnuggets cartoon looks at how Labor Day can evolve by 2050.
Automated, Cartoon, Labor Day, Robots, Skills
Cartoon: Data Scientist – the sexiest job of the 21st century until … - Aug 27, 2016.
This Data Scientist thought that he had the sexiest job of the 21st century until the arrival of the competition ...
Automated, Automated Data Science, Cartoon, Tom Davenport
Cartoon: Make Data Great Again - Aug 13, 2016.
This KDnuggets cartoon considers a speech that a certain presidential candidate can give on a topic of Big Data.
Cartoon, Donald Trump, Politics
- Cartoon: Facebook data science experiments and Cats - Aug 8, 2016.
In honor of International Cat Day, we revisit KDnuggets cartoon that looks at the Facebook data science experiment on emotion manipulation and the importance of happy kittens.
Cartoon, Cats, Data Science, Facebook
- Cartoon: When Automation Goes Too Far - Apr 30, 2016.
KDnuggets Cartoon looks into the future of Automated Data Science and Marketing - when will automation go too far?
Automated, Automation, Beer, Cartoon, Marketing
- The Secret to a Perfect Data Science Interview - Apr 1, 2016.
How to interview a Data Scientist, in 5 steps. The secret to answering every question perfectly :).
Cartoon, Data Scientist, Humor, Interview Questions
- Cartoon: Citizen Data Scientist At Work - Mar 26, 2016.
KDnuggets Cartoon examines Citizen Data Scientist at work and his previous career as a citizen dentist and a citizen pilot.
Cartoon, Citizen Data Scientist, Humor
- Data Scientist Valentine’s Day Collection - Feb 13, 2016.
We review Data Scientist Valentine's Day options with several topical cartoons, including Scarledoopython, Neural net predictions, and dating algorithm adjustments.
Cartoon, Humor, Valentine's Day
- Cartoon: Deeper Deep Learning - Feb 1, 2016.
New KDnuggets Cartoon looks at a creative new way of achieving even better results and breaking through Machine Learning barriers with even "deeper" Deep Learning approach.
Cartoon, Deep Learning
- More Data Science Humor and Cartoons - Dec 23, 2015.
More humor and cartoons from Andrii aka San Sanych, #HappyDataScientist.
Cartoon, Humor, Recommendations
- Top KDnuggets tweets, Nov 16-22: Dilbert discovers the perfect chart; TensorFlow Disappoints – Google Deep Learning falls shallow - Nov 23, 2015.
A standard #graph for any occasion! #Dilbert discovers the perfect chart; TensorFlow Disappoints - Google #DeepLearning falls shallow; All the #BigData tools and how to use them; KDnuggets #DataScience #Cartoon Caption Contest.
Cartoon, Deep Learning, Dilbert, James Bond, TensorFlow, Tesla
- Cartoon: It all started with the iPhone answering my email - Nov 5, 2015.
New KDnuggets cartoon reacts to recent news that Gmail will use Machine Learning to offer answers to your emails. Here is where it can lead ...
Cartoon, Gmail, iPhone
- Cartoon: KDnuggets Addiction - Oct 24, 2015.
New Cartoon looks at a serious case of KDnuggets addiction and what can be done about it.
About KDnuggets, Cartoon
- Cartoon: Big Data and the dog question - Aug 3, 2015.
It used to be that nobody on the internet knew that I was a dog ... New KDnuggets cartoon examines the dog question in the era of Big Data.
Anonymity, Big Data, Cartoon, Dogs, Privacy
- Cartoon: Data Scientist Mother - May 10, 2015.
We revisit KDnuggets Cartoon which looks at the Mother of All Data. Enjoy and don't forget the mothers in your life - Big Data predicted that 67.53% of you would remember!
- Cartoon: A solution for Data Scientists allergies caused by Big Data - Apr 17, 2015.
With more and more allergies and big trend towards gluten-free everything, new KDnuggets cartoon envisions a possible solution for Data Scientists allergies.
Allergy, Big Data, Cartoon, Data Scientist
- Top KDnuggets tweets, Mar 16-18: 87 Studies shown that accurate numbers aren’t more useful than the ones you make up (Dilbert) - Mar 19, 2015.
Also Sirius - a free, open-source version of Siri; #PI art: the first 13,689 digits of pi; Great tutorial + #Python code: 1-Layer Neural Networks.
Cartoon, Data Preparation, Deep Learning, Dilbert, Excel, Neural Networks, pi, Python, Siri
- Cartoon: Hello, Singularity - Jan 11, 2015.
New KDnuggets cartoon takes a look at what can happen when Artificial Intelligence (AI) achieves Singularity.
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Cartoon, Singularity
- Cartoon: Halloween Costume for Big Data - Oct 28, 2014.
New KDnuggets cartoon looks at the appropriate Halloween costume for Big Data and its companion, No Privacy.
Big Data, Cartoon, Halloween, Privacy
- Top KDnuggets tweets, Sep 19-21: Dilbert funniest cartoons on #BigData, data mining; Guess which pattern is random - Sep 22, 2014.
Guess which pattern is random, which machine-generated? Dilbert 20 funniest cartoons on #BigData, data mining, privacy; Data Scientist Cartoon; Neural Networks and Deep Learning, free online book (draft).
Cartoon, Deep Learning, Dilbert, Free ebook, Neural Networks, Random
- Cartoon: Robot Labor Day 2050 - Sep 1, 2014.
Amidst all the discussion about robots and automation taking over human jobs, new KDnuggets cartoon looks at how Labor Day can evolve by 2050.
Cartoon, Labor Day, Robots
- Cartoon: Big Data and World Cup Football - Jun 17, 2014.
New KDnuggets Cartoon takes a fresh look on Big Data insights and World Cup 2014 in Soccer. What should a player do when Big Data predicts his behavior?
Big Data, Cartoon, World Cup
- Cartoon: Data Visualization meets 3-D Printer - May 11, 2014.
New KDnuggets Cartoon looks at what happens when Data Visualization meets 3-D Printer.
3-D Printing, Cartoon, Data Visualization
- Cartoon: Data Scientist Salary Negotiation - Apr 29, 2014.
New KDnuggets Cartoon looks at Data Scientist Salary Negotiation situation.
Cartoon, Data Scientist, Hadoop, Salary
- Cartoon: Data Scientist Valentine Day Prediction - Feb 13, 2014.
New KDnuggets cartoon looks at a Data Scientist Valentine's Day prediction.
Cartoon, Data Scientist, Humor, Valentine's Day