Bootstrap a Modern Data Stack in 5 minutes with Terraform - Aug 6, 2021.
What is a Modern Data Stack and how do you deploy one? This guide will motivate you to start on this journey with setup instructions for Airbyte, BigQuery, dbt, Metabase, and everything else you need using Terraform.
BigQuery, Cloud, Data Warehousing, dbt, Modern Data Stack
- In-Warehouse Machine Learning and the Modern Data Science Stack - Jun 24, 2021.
As your organization matures its data science portfolio and capabilities, establishing a modern data stack is vital to enabling such growth. Here, we overview various in-data warehouse machine learning services, and discuss each of their benefits and requirements.
Amazon Redshift, Analytics, BigQuery, Cloud, Data Science, Data Warehouse, Machine Learning, Modern Data Stack
- BigQuery vs Snowflake: A Comparison of Data Warehouse Giants - Jun 3, 2021.
In this article we are going to compare the two topmost data warehouses: BigQuery and Snowflake.
BigQuery, Data Warehouse, Snowflake
- Apache Spark on Dataproc vs. Google BigQuery - Jul 15, 2020.
This post looks at research undertaken to provide interactive business intelligence reports and visualizations for thousands of end users, in the hopes of addressing some of the challenges to architects and engineers looking at moving to Google Cloud Platform in selecting the best technology stack based on their requirements and to process large volumes of data in a cost effective yet reliable manner.
Apache Spark, BigQuery, Google
- 7 “Gotchas” for Data Engineers New to Google BigQuery - Mar 28, 2019.
Here are some things that might take some getting used to when new to Google BigQuery, along with mitigation strategies where I’ve found them.
BigQuery, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Google
ETL vs ELT: Considering the Advancement of Data Warehouses - May 22, 2018.
The traditional concept of ETL is changing towards ELT – when you’re running transformations right in the data warehouse. Let’s see why it’s happening, what it means to have ETL vs ELT, and what we can expect in the future.
BigQuery, Data Warehouse, ELT, ETL, Statsbot
- Google BigQuery Public Datasets - Feb 20, 2015.
Google BigQuery is not only a fantastic tool to analyze data, but it also has a repository of public data, including GDELT world events database, NYC Taxi rides, GitHub archive, Reddit top posts, and more.
BigQuery, GDELT, Google, New York City, Reddit