Best Blogs for Data Miners and Data Scientists

What are the best blogs for data miners and data scientists to read? I summarize the discussion on Quora and add my favorites.

By Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, Apr 30, 2013.

I came across this Quora question
QuoraWhat are the best blogs for data miners & data scientists to read?

Good blogs are very interesting and useful, but also increasingly rare. There are statistics that indicate that blogging activity has declined recently, partly due to the rise of Twitter.

For example, I publish 3-4 items per day on KDnuggets News, but about 20 items/day on @kdnuggets Twitter - covering the latest in Big Data, Business Analytics, Data Mining, and Data Science.

The blogs mentioned on Quora include (in alphabetical order)

As Editor of KDnuggets, I read a lot of other blogs and publications, and here are some of my favorites:

Here is KDnuggets big list of Blogs and News on Big Data, Business Analytics, Data Mining, and Data Science

Comments from the Web

From Data Scientists LinkedIn group:

Mark Nickel : I am a regular reader of Ryan Swanstrom's blog:

Wilco van Ginkel
Good question, but I think that it really depends on what one is looking for/interested in.

I guess there are 'generic' data mining & science blogs (i.e., those blogs discuss data mining & science in more general terms, not so much focussd on one specific topic within data mining & science) and the 'specialized' blogs, related to a specific topic, going more in-depth (e.g., R-bloggers).

I looked at your list and it is impressive enough as it is, I reckon. I would certainly add the blog of Cathy O'Neil (also called mathbabe) at As well as the twitter handle of DJPatil (@djpatil). He doesn't always tweet about data science, but the ones he does are an interesting read.

Good luck with following up all these blogs! :)

What other Data Mining / Data Science blogs you like to read? Please comment.