Top 10 Active Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning Influencers on LinkedIn, Updated - Sep 26, 2017.
Looking for advice? Guidance? Stories? We’ve put a list of the top ten LinkedIn influencers of the last three months, follow them and stay up-to-date with the latest news in Big Data, Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning and AI.
About Gregory Piatetsky, Bernard Marr, Big Data, Carla Gentry, Data Science, DJ Patil, Influencers, Kirk D. Borne, LinkedIn, Machine Learning, Tom Davenport, Trends
- Putting Together A Full-Blooded AI Maturity Model - Apr 5, 2017.
Here is a proposed “7A” model that is useful enough to capture of the core of what AI offers without falsely implying there is a static body of best practices in this area.
AI, Bernard Marr, Maturity Model, Methodology, Mike Gualtieri
6 Business Concepts you need to become a Data Science Unicorn - Mar 13, 2017.
Are you a data science professional and want to advance your career as Data Science Unicorn? Here we provide important business concepts and guidelines required for a data science techie to become a Unicorn.
Bernard Marr, Business Intelligence, Business Strategy, Data Science, Unicorn, Youtube
- Top 16 Active Big Data, Data Science Leaders on LinkedIn - Sep 23, 2016.
Who are the most active Big Data, Data Science Influencers and Leaders on LinkedIn? We analyze the data and bring you the list of key people to follow.
About Gregory Piatetsky, Bernard Marr, Big Data, Big Data Influencers, Carla Gentry, Data Science, DJ Patil, Influencers, LinkedIn, Tom Davenport
- Meet the 11 Big Data & Data Science Leaders on LinkedIn - May 6, 2016.
In this post, we present a list of popular data science leaders on LinkedIn. Follow these leaders who will keep you in touch with the latest Data Science happenings!
About Gregory Piatetsky, Bernard Marr, Big Data, Data Scientist, DJ Patil, Hilary Mason, Influencers, LinkedIn, Tom Davenport