- Important Statistics Data Scientists Need to Know - Sep 29, 2021.
Several fundamental statistical concepts must be well appreciated by every data scientist -- from the enthusiast to the professional. Here, we provide code snippets in Python to increase understanding to bring you key tools that bring early insight into your data.
Bayes Theorem, Data Science, Probability, Statistics
- 10 Must-Know Statistical Concepts for Data Scientists - Apr 21, 2021.
Statistics is a building block of data science. If you are working or plan to work in this field, then you will encounter the fundamental concepts reviewed for you here. Certainly, there is much more to learn in statistics, but once you understand these basics, then you can steadily build your way up to advanced topics.
Bayes Theorem, Correlation, Normal Distribution, P-value, Sampling, Statistics, Variance
- 10 Statistical Concepts You Should Know For Data Science Interviews - Feb 23, 2021.
Data Science is founded on time-honored concepts from statistics and probability theory. Having a strong understanding of the ten ideas and techniques highlighted here is key to your career in the field, and also a favorite topic for concept checks during interviews.
Bayes Theorem, Interview Questions, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, P-value, Sampling, Statistics
- Probability Learning: Naive Bayes - Nov 26, 2019.
This post will describe various simplifications of Bayes' Theorem, that make it more practical and applicable to real world problems: these simplifications are known by the name of Naive Bayes. Also, to clarify everything we will see a very illustrative example of how Naive Bayes can be applied for classification.
Bayes Theorem, Learning, Naive Bayes, Probability
- The Math Behind Bayes - Nov 19, 2019.
This post will be dedicated to explaining the maths behind Bayes Theorem, when its application makes sense, and its differences with Maximum Likelihood.
Bayes Theorem, Mathematics, Probability
- How Bayes’ Theorem is Applied in Machine Learning - Oct 28, 2019.
Learn how Bayes Theorem is in Machine Learning for classification and regression!
Bayes Theorem, Machine Learning, Naive Bayes, Probability
- Probability Learning: Bayes’ Theorem - Oct 16, 2019.
Learn about one of the fundamental theorems of probability with an easy everyday example.
Bayes Theorem, Naive Bayes, Probability
- When Bayes, Ockham, and Shannon come together to define machine learning - Sep 25, 2018.
A beautiful idea, which binds together concepts from statistics, information theory, and philosophy.
Bayes Theorem, Machine Learning
How Bayesian Inference Works - Nov 15, 2016.
Bayesian inference isn’t magic or mystical; the concepts behind it are completely accessible. In brief, Bayesian inference lets you draw stronger conclusions from your data by folding in what you already know about the answer. Read an in-depth overview here.
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Bayes Rule, Bayes Theorem, Bayesian, Inference, Statistics
- History of Data Mining - Jun 22, 2016.
Data mining is a subfield of computer science which blends many techniques from statistics, data science, database theory and machine learning. Here are the major milestones and “firsts” in the history of data mining plus how it’s evolved and blended with data science and big data.
About Gregory Piatetsky, Alan Turing, Bayes Theorem, Data Mining, DJ Patil, History, Vladimir Vapnik