- Sentiment Analysis API vs Custom Text Classification: Which one to choose? - Nov 30, 2021.
In this article, we are going to compare the sentiment extraction performance between Sentiment Analysis engines and Custom Text classification engines. The idea is to show pros and cons of these two types of engines on a concrete dataset.
API, Sentiment Analysis, Text Classification
Deploying Your First Machine Learning API - Oct 14, 2021.
Effortless way to develop and deploy your machine learning API using FastAPI and Deta.
API, Deployment, FastAPI, Machine Learning, Python, spaCy
- Working with Python APIs For Data Science Project - Sep 10, 2021.
In this article, we will work with YouTube Python API to collect video statistics from our channel using the requests python library to make an API call and save it as a Pandas DataFrame.
API, Data Science, Project, Python
- Building RESTful APIs using Flask - May 21, 2021.
Learn about using the lightweight web framework in Python from this article.
API, Flask, Python, RESTful API
- Deploy a Dockerized FastAPI App to Google Cloud Platform - May 4, 2021.
A short guide to deploying a Dockerized Python app to Google Cloud Platform using Cloud Run and a SQL instance.
API, Deployment, Docker, FastAPI, Google Cloud
- How To Generate Meaningful Sentences Using a T5 Transformer - May 3, 2021.
Read this article to see how to develop a text generation API using the T5 transformer.
API, Hugging Face, Natural Language Generation, NLP, Python, Transformer
- Production-Ready Machine Learning NLP API with FastAPI and spaCy - Apr 21, 2021.
Learn how to implement an API based on FastAPI and spaCy for Named Entity Recognition (NER), and see why the author used FastAPI to quickly build a fast and robust machine learning API.
API, FastAPI, NLP, Production, Python, spaCy
- How to Deploy a Flask API in Kubernetes and Connect it with Other Micro-services - Feb 9, 2021.
A hands-on tutorial on how to implement your micro-service architecture using the powerful container orchestration tool Kubernetes.
API, Containers, Flask, Kubernetes, MySQL, Python, SQL
Build Your First Data Science Application - Feb 4, 2021.
Check out these seven Python libraries to make your first data science MVP application.
API, Data Science, Jupyter, Keras, numpy, Pandas, Plotly, Python, PyTorch, scikit-learn
PerceptiLabs – A GUI and Visual API for TensorFlow - Oct 27, 2020.
Recently released PerceptiLabs 0.11, is quickly becoming the GUI and visual API for TensorFlow. PerceptiLabs is built around a sophisticated visual ML modeling editor in which you drag and drop components and connect them together to form your model, automatically creating the underlying TensorFlow code. Try it now.
API, Deep Learning, PerceptiLabs, TensorFlow
- Building a REST API with Tensorflow Serving (Part 2) - Jul 21, 2020.
This post is the second part of the tutorial of Tensorflow Serving in order to productionize Tensorflow objects and build a REST API to make calls to them.
API, Docker, Keras, Python, TensorFlow
- Building a REST API with Tensorflow Serving (Part 1) - Jul 15, 2020.
Part one of a tutorial to teach you how to build a REST API around functions or saved models created in Tensorflow. With Tensorflow Serving and Docker, defining endpoint URLs and sending HTTP requests is simple.
API, Keras, Python, TensorFlow
- Optimize Response Time of your Machine Learning API In Production - May 1, 2020.
This article demonstrates how building a smarter API serving Deep Learning models minimizes the response time.
API, Machine Learning, Optimization, Production, Python
- Build PyTorch Models Easily Using torchlayers - Apr 9, 2020.
torchlayers aims to do what Keras did for TensorFlow, providing a higher-level model-building API and some handy defaults and add-ons useful for crafting PyTorch neural networks.
API, Keras, Neural Networks, Python, PyTorch
10 Must-read Machine Learning Articles (March 2020) - Apr 9, 2020.
This list will feature some of the recent work and discoveries happening in machine learning, as well as guides and resources for both beginner and intermediate data scientists.
AI, API, Cloud, Data Analytics, Datasets, fast.ai, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Social Media
- How To Painlessly Analyze Your Time Series - Mar 26, 2020.
The Matrix Profile is a powerful tool to help solve this dual problem of anomaly detection and motif discovery. Matrix Profile is robust, scalable, and largely parameter-free: we’ve seen it work for a wide range of metrics including website user data, order volume and other business-critical applications.
Anomaly Detection, API, Python, Time Series
- Software Interfaces for Machine Learning Deployment - Mar 11, 2020.
While building a machine learning model might be the fun part, it won't do much for anyone else unless it can be deployed into a production environment. How to implement machine learning deployments is a special challenge with differences from traditional software engineering, and this post examines a fundamental first step -- how to create software interfaces so you can develop deployments that are automated and repeatable.
API, Deployment, Machine Learning, MLOps, Software Engineering
- Using the Fitbit Web API with Python - Feb 18, 2020.
Fitbit provides a Web API for accessing data from Fitbit activity trackers. Check out this updated tutorial to accessing this Fitbit data using the API with Python.
API, Fitness, Health, Python
- Sharing your machine learning models through a common API - Feb 12, 2020.
DEEPaaS API is a software component developed to expose machine learning models through a REST API. In this article we describe how to do it.
API, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Open Source, Python
- Building a Flask API to Automatically Extract Named Entities Using SpaCy - Apr 17, 2019.
This article discusses how to use the Named Entity Recognition module in spaCy to identify people, organizations, or locations in text, then deploy a Python API with Flask.
API, Flask, NLP, Python
How to build an API for a machine learning model in 5 minutes using Flask - Jan 17, 2019.
Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It can create a REST API that allows you to send data, and receive a prediction as a response.
API, Flask, Machine Learning, Python
- Comparison of the Top Speech Processing APIs - Dec 28, 2018.
There are two main tasks in speech processing. First one is to transform speech to text. The second is to convert the text into human speech. We will describe the general aspects of each API and then compare their main features in the table.
Amazon, API, Google Cloud, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure, NLP, Speech Recognition
- Affordable online news archives for academic research - Aug 10, 2018.
Many researchers need access to multi-year historical repositories of online news articles. We identified three companies that make such access affordable, and spoke with their CEOs.
API, Research, Text Analytics, Text Mining, Webhose
Complete Guide to Build ConvNet HTTP-Based Application using TensorFlow and Flask RESTful Python API - May 15, 2018.
In this tutorial, a CNN is to be built, and trained and tested against the CIFAR10 dataset. To make the model remotely accessible, a Flask Web application is created using Python to receive an uploaded image and return its classification label using HTTP.
Pages: 1 2
API, Convolutional Neural Networks, Dropout, Flask, Neural Networks, Python, RESTful API, TensorFlow
50+ Useful Machine Learning & Prediction APIs, 2018 Edition - May 1, 2018.
Extensive list of 50+ APIs in Face and Image Recognition ,Text Analysis, NLP, Sentiment Analysis, Language Translation, Machine Learning and prediction.
API, Face Recognition, Image Recognition, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Text Analytics
- Are High Level APIs Dumbing Down Machine Learning? - Apr 16, 2018.
Libraries like Keras simplify the construction of neural networks, but are they impeding on practitioners full understanding? Or are they simply useful (and inevitable) abstractions?
API, Deep Learning, Francois Chollet, Keras, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, TensorFlow
- Blockchains and APIs - Mar 6, 2018.
Major technological advances are providing opportunities for new business models, based on blockchain, which will see an increase in the number of connected devices in our day-to-day lives.
API, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Ethereum
- Is Google Tensorflow Object Detection API the Easiest Way to Implement Image Recognition? - Mar 1, 2018.
There are many different ways to do image recognition. Google recently released a new Tensorflow Object Detection API to give computer vision everywhere a boost.
API, Image Recognition, TensorFlow
- Automated Text Classification Using Machine Learning - Jan 30, 2018.
In this post, we talk about the technology, applications, customization, and segmentation related to our automated text classification API.
API, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, ParallelDots, Text Classification
- Natural Language Processing Library for Apache Spark – free to use - Nov 28, 2017.
Introducing the Natural Language Processing Library for Apache Spark - and yes, you can actually use it for free! This post will give you a great overview of John Snow Labs NLP Library for Apache Spark.
Apache Spark, API, GitHub, John Snow Labs, Machine Learning, NLP
- A Tale of Three Apache Spark APIs: RDDs, DataFrames, and Datasets - Aug 22, 2017.
In this blog, I explore three sets of APIs—RDDs, DataFrames, and Datasets—available in a pre-release preview of Apache Spark 2.0; why and when you should use each set; outline their performance and optimization benefits; and enumerate scenarios when to use DataFrames and Datasets instead of RDDs.
Apache Spark, API
- Text Clustering : Quick insights from Unstructured Data, part 2 - Jul 4, 2017.
We will build this in a modular way and also focus on exposing the functionalities as an API so that it can serve as a plug and play model without any disruptions to the existing systems.
API, Clustering, Python, Text Analytics, Unstructured data
- Embedded Analytics: The Future of Business Intelligence - Sep 30, 2016.
An overview of the evolution of Business Intelligence, and some insight into where its future lie: embedded analytics.
Analytics, API, Business Intelligence
- Internet of Things Key Terms, Explained - Jul 27, 2016.
This post will define 12 Key Terms for the Internet of Things, in straightforward manner.
API, Explained, Industrial Internet, Internet of Things, IoT, Key Terms
- Interview: Florian Douetteau, Dataiku Founder, on Empowering Data Scientists - Jul 7, 2016.
Here is an interview with Florian Douetteau, founder of Dataiku, on how their tools empower data scientists, and how data science itself is evolving.
Ajay Ohri, API, Data Science Tools, Dataiku, Florian Douetteau, Python, R
- How open API economy accelerates the growth of big data and analytics - Jun 17, 2016.
An open API is available on the internet for free. We review the growth of API economy and how organizations have been realizing the potential of open APIs in transforming their business.
API, Big Data Analytics, Open Data
- Everything You Need to Know about Natural Language Processing - Dec 21, 2015.
Natural language processing (NLP) helps computers understand human speech and language. We define the key NLP concepts and explain how it fits in the bigger picture of Artificial Intelligence.
API, Buzzlogix, NLP, Text Analytics, Text Mining
- 50 Useful Machine Learning & Prediction APIs - Dec 7, 2015.
We present a list of 50 APIs selected from areas like machine learning, prediction, text analytics & classification, face recognition, language translation etc. Start consuming APIs!
Pages: 1 2
API, Data Science, Face Recognition, IBM Watson, Image Recognition, Machine Learning, NLP, Sentiment Analysis
- 5 Best Machine Learning APIs for Data Science - Nov 5, 2015.
Machine Learning APIs make it easy for developers to develop predictive applications. Here we review 5 important Machine Learning APIs: IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, Google Prediction API, Amazon Machine Learning API, and BigML.
Pages: 1 2
Amazon, API, Azure ML, BigML, DeZyre, Google, IBM Watson, Machine Learning
- Algorithmia Tested: Human vs Automated Tag Generation - Apr 21, 2015.
Algorithmia, the marketplace for algorithms, can be a platform for hosting APIs to do a plethora of text analytics and information retrieval tasks. Automatic post tagging is done in this case study to demonstrate the effectiveness and ease-of-use of the platform.
Pages: 1 2
Algorithmia, API, Grant Marshall, Information Retrieval, Python, Text Analytics
- Algorithmia: Building a web site explorer in 5 easy steps - Apr 20, 2015.
We show how to use Algorithmia for quickly building a functional web site explorer in 5 steps: GetLinks, PageRank, Url2text, Summarizer and AutoTag.
Algorithmia, API, Page Rank, Search Engine, Web Mining
- Top SlideShare Presentations on Big Data, updated - Jan 18, 2015.
REST APIs and crawling offer two different ways to gather big data presentations from SlideShare, but they provide different results and lead to a very different view of the data. We examine why and find a useful data science lesson.
API, Big Data, Presentation, SlideShare
- Exclusive: Interview with Chris Wiggins, NYTimes Chief Data Scientist - Jan 13, 2015.
New York Times Chief Data Scientist Chris Wiggins on the transformation of digital journalism, key Data Science skills, favorite tools, why better wrong than nice, and how Thomas Jefferson is very relevant today.
API, Chris Wiggins, Data journalism, Data Scientist, NYTimes, Privacy
- Most Popular Slideshare Presentations on Data Science - Nov 25, 2014.
Top SlideShare data science presentations provide a unique view on topics like data science management, using Python and NumPy in your data science project, and leveraging data science for enterprise big data.
API, Big Data, Data Science Skills, Data Science Tutorial, Python, SlideShare
- Most Popular Slideshare Presentations on Data Mining - Nov 13, 2014.
SlideShare data mining presentations cover many topics, offering a unique way of consuming data mining content and exploring a variety of slideshows, both narrow and broad in scope.
API, Data Mining Training, Python, SlideShare