- 3 More Free Top Notch Natural Language Processing Courses - Mar 31, 2021.
Are you looking to continue your learning of natural language processing? This small collection of 3 free top notch courses will allow you to do just that.
Andrew Ng, CMU, Coursera, Courses, deeplearning.ai, Neural Networks, NLP
13 must-read papers from AI experts - May 20, 2020.
What research articles do top AI experts in the field recommend? Find out which ones and why, then be sure to add each to your reading to do list.
AI, Andrew Ng, Hyperparameter, Kirk D. Borne, LSTM, Research
- Why software engineering processes and tools don’t work for machine learning - Dec 5, 2019.
While AI may be the new electricity significant challenges remain to realize AI potential. Here we examine why data scientists and teams can’t rely on software engineering tools and processes for machine learning.
Agile, Andrew Ng, Comet.ml, Machine Learning, Software Engineering
12 Deep Learning Researchers and Leaders - Sep 23, 2019.
Our list of deep learning researchers and industry leaders are the people you should follow to stay current with this wildly expanding field in AI. From early practitioners and established academics to entrepreneurs and today’s top corporate influencers, this diverse group of individuals is leading the way into tomorrow’s deep learning landscape.
Andrej Karpathy, Andrew Ng, Deep Learning, Demis Hassabis, Fei-Fei Li, Geoff Hinton, Ian Goodfellow, Influencers, Jeremy Howard, Research, Yann LeCun
Advice on building a machine learning career and reading research papers by Prof. Andrew Ng - Sep 5, 2019.
This blog summarizes the career advice/reading research papers lecture in the CS230 Deep learning course by Stanford University on YouTube, and includes advice from Andrew Ng on how to read research papers.
Andrew Ng, Career, Machine Learning, Research
6 Key Concepts in Andrew Ng’s “Machine Learning Yearning” - Aug 12, 2019.
If you are diving into AI and machine learning, Andrew Ng's book is a great place to start. Learn about six important concepts covered to better understand how to use these tools from one of the field's best practitioners and teachers.
AI, Andrew Ng, Best Practices, Deployment, Machine Learning, Metrics, Training Data
- 7 Useful Suggestions from Andrew Ng “Machine Learning Yearning” - May 8, 2018.
Machine Learning Yearning is a book by AI and Deep Learning guru Andrew Ng, focusing on how to make machine learning algorithms work and how to structure machine learning projects. Here we present 7 very useful suggestions from the book.
Andrew Ng, Book, Data Cleaning, Data Preparation, Free ebook, Machine Learning, Metrics
- Don’t learn Machine Learning in 24 hours - Apr 13, 2018.
When it comes to machine learning, there's no quick way of teaching yourself - you're in it for the long haul.
Advice, Andrew Ng, Machine Learning, Peter Norvig
- Great Data Scientists Don’t Just Think Outside the Box, They Redefine the Box - Mar 8, 2018.
The best data scientists have strong imaginative skills for not just “thinking outside the box” – but actually redefining the box – in trying to find variables and metrics that might be better predictors of performance.
Andrew Ng, Data Science, Data Scientist, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
A Basic Recipe for Machine Learning - Feb 13, 2018.
One of the gems that I felt needed to be written down from Ng's deep learning courses is his general recipe to approaching a deep learning algorithm/model.
Algorithms, Andrew Ng, Coursera, Deep Learning, deeplearning.ai
- Error Analysis to your Rescue – Lessons from Andrew Ng, part 3 - Jan 29, 2018.
The last entry in a series of posts about Andrew Ng's lessons on strategies to follow when fixing errors in your algorithm
Andrew Ng, Bias, Distribution, Machine Learning, Variance
- How to Improve Machine Learning Algorithms? Lessons from Andrew Ng, part 2 - Dec 21, 2017.
The second chapter of ML lessons from Ng’s experience. This one will only be talking about Human Level Performance & Avoidable Bias.
Algorithms, Andrew Ng, Bias, Machine Learning
- How to Improve Machine Learning Performance? Lessons from Andrew Ng - Dec 13, 2017.
5 useful tips and lessons from Andrew Ng on how to improve your Machine Learning performance, including Orthogonalisation, Single Number Evaluation Metric, and Satisfying and Optimizing Metric.
Andrew Ng, Machine Learning
- 5 Free Resources for Furthering Your Understanding of Deep Learning - Oct 20, 2017.
This post includes 5 specific video-based options for furthering your understanding of neural networks and deep learning, collectively consisting of many, many hours of insights.
Andrew Ng, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, NIPS, Summer School
An Overview of 3 Popular Courses on Deep Learning - Oct 13, 2017.
After completing the 3 most popular MOOCS in deep learning from Fast.ai, deeplearning.ai/Coursera (which is not completely released) and Udacity, I believe a post about what you can expect from these 3 courses will be useful for future Deep learning enthusiasts.
Andrew Ng, Coursera, Deep Learning, deeplearning.ai, fast.ai, Jeremy Howard, Neural Networks
- Find Out What Celebrities Tweet About the Most - Oct 5, 2017.
Word cloud is a popular data visualisation method. Here we show how to use R to create twitter word cloud of celebrities and politicians.
Andrew Ng, Data Visualization, Donald Trump, R, Twitter, Word Cloud
What Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Can Do—And What It Can’t - Aug 10, 2017.
I have seen situations where AI (or at least machine learning) had an incredible impact on a business—I also have seen situations where this was not the case. So, what was the difference?
AI, Andrew Ng, Ingo Mierswa, Machine Learning, RapidMiner
Machine Learning Exercises in Python: An Introductory Tutorial Series - Jul 26, 2017.
This post presents a summary of a series of tutorials covering the exercises from Andrew Ng's machine learning class on Coursera. Instead of implementing the exercises in Octave, the author has opted to do so in Python, and provide commentary along the way.
Andrew Ng, Machine Learning, Python
Top 10 Machine Learning Videos on YouTube, updated - May 3, 2017.
The top machine learning videos on YouTube include lecture series from Stanford and Caltech, Google Tech Talks on deep learning, using machine learning to play Mario and Hearthstone, and detecting NHL goals from live streams.
Andrew Ng, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Geoff Hinton, Google, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Robots, Video Games, Yaser Abu-Mostafa, Youtube
Deep Learning – Past, Present, and Future - May 2, 2017.
There is a lot of buzz around deep learning technology. First developed in the 1940s, deep learning was meant to simulate neural networks found in brains, but in the last decade 3 key developments have unleashed its potential.
Pages: 1 2
Andrew Ng, Big Data, Deep Learning, Geoff Hinton, Google, GPU, History, Neural Networks, NVIDIA
- Top /r/MachineLearning Posts, March: A Super Harsh Guide to Machine Learning; Is it Gaggle or Koogle?!? - Apr 4, 2017.
A Super Harsh Guide to Machine Learning; Google is acquiring data science community Kaggle; Suggestion by Salesforce chief data scientist; Andrew Ng resigning from Baidu; Distill: An Interactive, Visual Journal for Machine Learning Research
Advice, Andrew Ng, Distill, Google, Kaggle, Machine Learning, Reddit, Salesforce
- Top Machine Learning MOOCs and Online Lectures: A Comprehensive Survey - Jul 11, 2016.
This post reviews Machine Learning MOOCs and online lectures for both the novice and expert audience.
Andrew Ng, Coursera, Deep Learning, edX, Machine Learning, MOOC, Nando de Freitas, Tom Mitchell, Udacity
- New Andrew Ng Machine Learning Book Under Construction, Free Draft Chapters - Jun 20, 2016.
Check out the details on Andrew Ng's new book on building machine learning systems, and find out how to get your free copy of draft chapters as they are written.
Andrew Ng, Book, Free ebook, Machine Learning
- Top 10 Machine Learning Videos on YouTube - Jun 23, 2015.
The top machine learning videos on YouTube include lecture series from Stanford and Caltech, Google Tech Talks on deep learning, using machine learning to play Mario and Hearthstone, and detecting NHL goals from live streams.
Andrew Ng, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Geoff Hinton, Google, Grant Marshall, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Robots, Video Games, Youtube
- Where to Learn Deep Learning – Courses, Tutorials, Software - May 26, 2014.
Deep Learning is a very hot Machine Learning techniques which has been achieving remarkable results recently. We give a list of free resources for learning and using Deep Learning.
Andrew Ng, Deep Learning, Geoff Hinton, Machine Learning, Yann LeCun
- KDnuggets Exclusive: Interview with Yann LeCun, Deep Learning Expert, Director of Facebook AI Lab - Feb 20, 2014.
We discuss what enabled Deep Learning to achieve remarkable successes recently, his argument with Vapnik about (deep) neural nets vs kernel (support vector) machines, and what kind of AI can we expect from Facebook.
Andrew Ng, Deep Learning, Facebook, Interview, NYU, Support Vector Machines, Vladimir Vapnik, Yann LeCun