Data science SQL interview questions from top tech firms - Oct 5, 2021.
As a data scientist, there is one thing you really need to understand and know how to handle: data. With SQL being a foundational technical approach for working with data, it should not be surprising that the top tech companies will ask about your SQL skills during an interview. Here, we cover the key concepts tested so you can best prepare for your next data science interview.
Amazon, Data Science, Facebook, Google, Interview Questions, SQL
- Kubernetes vs. Amazon ECS for Data Scientists - Nov 19, 2020.
In this article, we’ll look at two container management solutions — Kubernetes and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) — from a perspective that makes sense for aspiring and current data scientists.
Amazon, AWS, Containers, Data Science, Data Scientist, Kubernetes
How to Acquire the Most Wanted Data Science Skills - Nov 13, 2020.
We recently surveyed KDnuggets readers to determine the "most wanted" data science skills. Since they seem to be those most in demand from practitioners, here is a collection of resources for getting started with this learning.
Algorithms, Amazon, Apache Spark, AWS, Computer Vision, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Deep Learning, Docker, NLP, NoSQL, PyTorch, Reinforcement Learning, TensorFlow
Free Introductory Machine Learning Course From Amazon - Oct 7, 2020.
Amazon's Machine Learning University offers an introductory course titled Accelerated Machine Learning, which is a good starting place for those looking for a foundation in generalized practical ML.
Amazon, Courses, Machine Learning, MOOC
- Accelerated Computer Vision: A Free Course From Amazon - Aug 31, 2020.
Amazon's Machine Learning University is making its online courses available to the public, and this time we look at its Accelerated Computer Vision offering.
Amazon, Computer Vision, Courses, Free
- Accelerated Natural Language Processing: A Free Course From Amazon - Aug 19, 2020.
Amazon's Machine Learning University is making its online courses available to the public, starting with this Accelerated Natural Language Processing offering.
Amazon, Courses, Free, Machine Learning, NLP
- Amazon Uses Self-Learning to Teach Alexa to Correct its Own Mistakes - Feb 10, 2020.
The digital assistant incorporates a reformulation engine that can learn to correct responses in real time based on customer interactions.
Alexa, Amazon, Learning
- Comparison of the Top Speech Processing APIs - Dec 28, 2018.
There are two main tasks in speech processing. First one is to transform speech to text. The second is to convert the text into human speech. We will describe the general aspects of each API and then compare their main features in the table.
Amazon, API, Google Cloud, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure, NLP, Speech Recognition
- DynamoDB vs. Cassandra: from “no idea” to “it’s a no-brainer” - Aug 23, 2018.
DynamoDB vs. Cassandra: have they got anything in common? If yes, what? If no, what are the differences? We answer these questions and examine performance of both databases.
Amazon, Apache, AWS, Cassandra, DynamoDB
Comparing Machine Learning as a Service: Amazon, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud AI - Jan 22, 2018.
A complete and unbiased comparison of the three most common Cloud Technologies for Machine Learning as a Service.
Pages: 1 2
AI, Amazon, Azure ML, Cloud, Google, Google Cloud, Machine Learning, Microsoft, MLaaS, Sagemaker
- The Unintended Consequences of Machine Learning - Jun 8, 2017.
But with great power comes great responsibility. Let me tell you a story about the unintended consequences of well-meaning machine learning research.
AI, Amazon, Machine Learning, Personalization
- How to think like a data scientist to become one - Mar 23, 2017.
The author went from securities analyst to Head of Data Science at Amazon. He describes what he learned in his journey and gives 4 useful rules based on his experience.
Amazon, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, SQL, Statistics
- Text Mining Amazon Mobile Phone Reviews: Interesting Insights - Jan 10, 2017.
We analyzed more than 400 thousand reviews of unlocked mobile phones sold on to find out insights with respect to reviews, ratings, price and their relationships.
Amazon, Analytics, Product reviews, Sentiment Analysis, Text Analytics, Text Mining
- Top 10 Amazon Books in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, 2016 Edition - Nov 30, 2016.
Given the ongoing explosion in interest for all things Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, etc., we have updated our Amazon top books lists from last year. Here are the 10 most popular titles in the AI & Machine Learning category.
AI, Amazon, Artificial Intelligence, Books, Machine Learning
Top 10 Amazon Books in Data Mining, 2016 Edition - Nov 11, 2016.
Given the ongoing explosion in interest for all things Data Mining, Data Science, Analytics, Big Data, etc., we have updated our Amazon top books lists from last year. Here are the 10 most popular titles in the Data Mining category.
Amazon, Books, Data Mining, Data Science
- Data Science of Reviews: ReviewMeta tool Automatically Detects Unnatural Reviews on Amazon - Aug 23, 2016.
ReviewMeta is a tool that analyzes millions of reviews and helps customers decide which ones to trust. As the dataset grows, so do the insights on unbiased reviews.
Amazon, Analytics, Customer Analytics, Data Mining, Trends
- Amazon Machine Learning: Nice and Easy or Overly Simple? - Feb 17, 2016.
Amazon Machine Learning is a predictive analytics service with binary/multiclass classification and linear regression features. The service is fast, offers a simple workflow but lacks model selection features and has slow execution times.
Amazon, Classification, Machine Learning, MLaaS
- Amazon Top 20 Books in Neural Networks - Nov 30, 2015.
These are the most popular neural networks books on Amazon. Perhaps there is something of interest to you here.
Amazon, Book, Deep Learning, Matthew Mayo, Neural Networks
- 5 Best Machine Learning APIs for Data Science - Nov 5, 2015.
Machine Learning APIs make it easy for developers to develop predictive applications. Here we review 5 important Machine Learning APIs: IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, Google Prediction API, Amazon Machine Learning API, and BigML.
Pages: 1 2
Amazon, API, Azure ML, BigML, DeZyre, Google, IBM Watson, Machine Learning
- How Big Data is used in Recommendation Systems to change our lives - Oct 30, 2015.
A Recommendation systems have impacted or even redefined our lives in many ways. It works in well-defined, logical phases which are data collection, ratings, and filtering.
Pages: 1 2 3
Amazon, Big Data, Kaushik Pal, Recommendations, Recommender Systems
- Amazon Top 20 Books in Data Mining - Oct 27, 2015.
These are the most popular data mining books on Amazon. As you look to increase your knowledge, is there something listed here that is missing from your collection?
Amazon, Book, Data Mining
- Machine Learning Wars: Amazon vs Google vs BigML vs PredicSis - May 12, 2015.
Comparing 4 Machine Learning APIs: Amazon Machine Learning, BigML, Google Prediction API and PredicSis on a real data from Kaggle, we find the most accurate, the fastest, the best tradeoff, and a surprise last place.
Pages: 1 2
Amazon, BigML, Google, Louis Dorard, Machine Learning, PredicSis