How To Become a 10x Data Scientist, part 1 - Sep 18, 2017.
A 10x developer is someone who is 10 times more productive than average. We adapt tips and tricks from the developer community to help you become a more proficient data scientist loved by team members and stakeholders.
Advice, Algorithmia, Data Science Team, Data Scientist, Data-Driven Business, Programming
Deep Learning Zero to One: 5 Awe-Inspiring Demos with Code for Beginners, part 2 - Jul 1, 2017.
Here are deep learning examples and demos you can just download and run, including Spotify Artist Search using Speech APIs, Symbolic AI Speech Recognition, and Algorithmia API Photo Colorizer.
AI, Algorithmia, Beginners, Clarifai, Deep Learning, GitHub, iOS, Speech Recognition, Spotify
- Data Science & Machine Learning Platforms for the Enterprise - May 8, 2017.
A resilient Data Science Platform is a necessity to every centralized data science team within a large corporation. It helps them centralize, reuse, and productionize their models at peta scale.
Algorithmia, Data Science Platform, Enterprise, Machine Learning
- Improving Nudity Detection and NSFW Image Recognition - Jun 25, 2016.
This post discussed improvements made in a tricky machine learning classification problem: nude and/or NSFW, or not?
Algorithmia, Algorithms, Classification
- Machine Learning Trends and the Future of Artificial Intelligence - Jun 22, 2016.
The confluence of data flywheels, the algorithm economy, and cloud-hosted intelligence means every company can now be a data company, every company can now access algorithmic intelligence, and every app can now be an intelligent app.
Algorithmia, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Machine Intelligence, Machine Learning
- A Data Science Approach to Writing a Good GitHub README - May 4, 2016.
Readme is the first file every user will look for, whenever they are checking out the code repository. Learn, what you should write inside your readme files and analyze your existing files effectiveness.
Algorithmia, GitHub, Text Mining
- Algorithmia Tested: Human vs Automated Tag Generation - Apr 21, 2015.
Algorithmia, the marketplace for algorithms, can be a platform for hosting APIs to do a plethora of text analytics and information retrieval tasks. Automatic post tagging is done in this case study to demonstrate the effectiveness and ease-of-use of the platform.
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Algorithmia, API, Grant Marshall, Information Retrieval, Python, Text Analytics
- Algorithmia: Building a web site explorer in 5 easy steps - Apr 20, 2015.
We show how to use Algorithmia for quickly building a functional web site explorer in 5 steps: GetLinks, PageRank, Url2text, Summarizer and AutoTag.
Algorithmia, API, Page Rank, Search Engine, Web Mining