- 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Machine Learning - Dec 29, 2021.
It's time to learn: machine learning is not a Swiss Army knife.
Advice, Machine Learning
- What Does a Data Scientist Do? - Dec 6, 2021.
This guide provides you with the best possible, most direct, and clear answers to "What is data science?" and "What does a data scientist do?".
Advice, Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Roles, Salary
- What’s missing from self-serve BI and what we can do about it - Nov 11, 2021.
The notion of self-service BI tools caught an expectation that they could provide a magic formula for easily helping everyone understand all the data. But, such an end-result isn't occurring in practice. To identify a better approach, we need to take a step back and determine what problem is actually trying to be solved.
Advice, Analytics, BI, Self-service
- How Hasura Improved Conversion Rates By 20% With PostHog - Oct 13, 2021.
Find out how Hasura increased conversion rates by 10-20% by using PostHog for self-hosted product analytics!
Advice, Data Analytics, Data Science, Posthog, Tools
8 Must-Have Git Commands for Data Scientists - Oct 8, 2021.
Git is a must-have skill for data scientists. Maintaining your development work within a version control system is absolutely necessary to have a collaborative and productive working environment with your colleagues. This guide will quickly start you off in the right direction for contributing to an existing project at your organization.
Advice, Data Scientist, GitHub
- What 2 years of self-teaching data science taught me - Sep 17, 2021.
Many of us self-learn data science from the very beginning. While continuing to self-learn on demand is crucial, especially after you become a professional, there can be many pitfalls early on for learning the wrong way or missing out on key ideas that are important for the real-world application of data science.
Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education
- How to get Python PCAP Certification: Roadmap, Resources, Tips For Success, Based On My Experience - Sep 15, 2021.
Follow this journey of personal experience -- with useful tips and learning resources -- to help you achieve the PCAP Certification, one of the most reputed Python Certifications, to validate your knowledge against International Standards.
Advice, Certification, Python, Tips
- How to solve machine learning problems in the real world - Sep 2, 2021.
Becoming a machine learning engineer pro is your goal? Sure, online ML courses and Kaggle-style competitions are great resources to learn the basics. However, the daily job of a ML engineer requires an additional layer of skills that you won’t master through these approaches.
Advice, Business, Data Quality, Machine Learning, SQL, Tips, XGBoost
- 3 mindset changes to become a better analyst - Aug 12, 2021.
Once fresh out of school and ready to burst into an organization as a new hire with newly-developed skills and knowledge, many have learned that things tend to be a little different in the "real world" compared to university. A few shifts in your approach to continued learning and expanding your confidence might help you professionally reach a little further, faster.
Advice, Career Advice, Data Analyst

Advice for Learning Data Science from Google’s Director of Research - Jul 19, 2021.
Surfing the professional career wave in data science is a hot prospect for many looking to get their start in the world. The digital revolution continues to create many exciting new opportunities. But, jumping in too fast without fully establishing your foundational skills can be detrimental to your success, as is suggested by this advice for data science newbies from Peter Norvig, the Director of Research at Google.
Advice, Beginners, Data Science, Data Science Education, Machine Learning, Peter Norvig
Five types of thinking for a high performing data scientist - Jun 11, 2021.
The way you think about a problem and the conceptual process you go through to find a solution may be guided by your personal skills or the type of problem at hand. Many mental models exist representing a variety of thinking patterns -- and as a Data Scientist, appreciating different approaches can help you more effectively model data in the business world and communicate your results to the decision-makers.
Advice, Data Science Skills
- How a Data Scientist Should Communicate with Stakeholders - Jun 3, 2021.
Effective and collaborative communication with stakeholders is a skill that can help you survive in your role as a Data Scientist at your organization. Learn how to master this interaction, and you will perform your job better, see improved outcomes from your projects, and grow in your capabilities and career.
Advice, Communication, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist
A checklist to track your Data Science progress - May 19, 2021.
Whether you are just starting out in data science or already a gainfully-employed professional, always learning more to advance through state-of-the-art techniques is part of the adventure. But, it can be challenging to track of your progress and keep an eye on what's next. Follow this checklist to help you scale your expertise from entry-level to advanced.
Advice, Beginners, Data Preparation, Data Science, Deep Learning
How to organize your data science project in 2021 - Apr 19, 2021.
Maintaining proper organization of all your data science projects will increase your productivity, minimize errors, and increase your development efficiency. This tutorial will guide you through a framework on how to keep everything in order on your local machine and in the cloud.
Advice, Data Science, GitHub, Project
- How to Dockerize Any Machine Learning Application - Apr 6, 2021.
How can you -- an awesome Data Scientist -- also be known as an awesome software engineer? Docker. And these 3 simple steps to use it for your solutions over and over again.
Advice, Applications, Containers, Deployment, Docker, Machine Learning
- How to frame the right questions to be answered using data - Mar 18, 2021.
Understanding your data first is a key step before going too far into any data science project. But, you can't fully understand your data until you know the right questions to ask of it.
Advice, Data Analysis, Data Exploration, Data Science, Data Visualization
- One question to make your data project 10x more valuable - Feb 1, 2021.
If you are the "data person" for your organization, then providing meaningful results to stakeholder data requests can sometimes feel like shots in the dark. However, you can make sure your data analysis is actionable by asking one magic question before getting started.
Advice, Business, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Data Science, Deployment, Problem Definition
- Roadmaps to becoming a Full-Stack AI Developer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, and more - Dec 2, 2020.
As the fields related to AI and Data Science expand, they are becoming complex with more options and specializations to consider. If you are beginning your journey toward becoming an expert in Artificial Intelligence, this roadmap will guide you to find your path along what to learn next while steering clear of the latest hype.
Advice, AI, Career, Data Scientist, Developer, Learning Path, Machine Learning Engineer, Roadmap
- How Machine Learning Works for Social Good - Nov 21, 2020.
We often discuss applying data science and machine learning techniques in term so of how they help your organization or business goals. But, these algorithms aren't limited to only increasing the bottom line. Developing new applications that leverage the predictive power of AI to benefit society and those communities in need is an equally valuable endeavor for Data Scientists that will further expand the positive impact of machine learning to the world.
Advice, Chicago, Machine Learning, Social Good
- Predicting Heart Disease Using Machine Learning? Don’t! - Nov 10, 2020.
I believe the “Predicting Heart Disease using Machine Learning” is a classic example of how not to apply machine learning to a problem, especially where a lot of domain experience is required.
Advice, Failure, Healthcare, Machine Learning, Medical, Prediction
- When good data analyses fail to deliver the results you expect - Nov 3, 2020.
To all those Data Scientists out there who thrive on discovering actionable insights from your data (all of you, right?), take heed from this cautionary tale of a data analysis, a dashboard, and a huge waste of resources.
Advice, Dashboard, Failure, Goodhart’s Law, Project Fail
Goodhart’s Law for Data Science and what happens when a measure becomes a target? - Oct 14, 2020.
When developing analytics and algorithms to better understand a business target, unintended biases can sneak in that ensure desired outcomes are obtained. Guiding your work with multiple metrics in mind can help avoid such consequences of Goodhart's Law.
Advice, Chris Wiggins, Data Science, Ethics, Goodhart’s Law, Metrics, Social Good
- How to be a 10x data scientist - Oct 12, 2020.
If you are a Data Scientist looking to make it to the next level, then there are many opportunities to up your game and your efficiency to stand out from the others. Some of these recommendations that you can follow are straightforward, and others are rarely followed, but they will all pay back in dividends of time and effectiveness for your career.
Advice, Data Scientist, IDE, Jupyter, Uncertainty, Workflow
- 6 Common Mistakes in Data Science and How To Avoid Them - Sep 10, 2020.
As a novice or seasoned Data Scientist, your work depends on the data, which is rarely perfect. Properly handling the typical issues with data quality and completeness is crucial, and we review how to avoid six of these common scenarios.
Advice, Data Quality, Data Science, Hyperparameter, Mistakes, Overfitting
- 4 Tools to Speed Up Your Data Science Writing - Sep 9, 2020.
This article covers how you can achieve your writing goals with these 4 tools.
Advice, Data Science, GitHub, Jupyter
- 10 Steps for Tackling Data Privacy and Security Laws in 2020 - Jul 22, 2020.
Data privacy laws, such as the CCPA, GDPR, and HIPAA, are here to stay and significantly impact everyone in the digital era. These steps will guide organizations to prepare for compliance and ensure they support the fundamental privacy rights of their customers and users.
Advice, Big Data, CCPA, GDPR, Privacy, Security
- 7 Signs you are data literate - Jul 13, 2020.
Understanding data is key to being a Data Scientist. But, how can you know if you might be a good fit for the field when you haven't worked with much data? These telltale signs will suggest you are competent to work with data, and that you might have a talent for being data literate.
Advice, Career, Communication, Data Scientist
Getting Started with TensorFlow 2 - Jul 2, 2020.
Learn about the latest version of TensorFlow with this hands-on walk-through of implementing a classification problem with deep learning, how to plot it, and how to improve its results.
Advice, Beginners, Deep Learning, Python, Regularization, TensorFlow
- Software engineering fundamentals for Data Scientists - Jun 30, 2020.
As a data scientist writing code for your models, it's quite possible that your work will make its way into a production environment to be used by the masses. But, writing code that is deployed as software is much different than writing code for exploratory data analysis. Learn about the key approaches for making your code production-ready that will save you time and future headaches.
Advice, Best Practices, Data Science, Programming, Software Engineering
Five Cognitive Biases In Data Science (And how to avoid them) - Jun 12, 2020.
Everyone is prey to cognitive biases that skew thinking, but data scientists must prevent them from spoiling their work. Learn more about five biases that can all too easily make your seemingly objective work become surprisingly subjective.
Advice, Bias, Cognitive Bias, Confirmation Bias, Data Science
If you had to start statistics all over again, where would you start? - Jun 5, 2020.
If you are just diving into learning statistics, then where do you begin? Find insight from those who have tread in these waters before, and see what they might have done differently along their personal journeys in statistics.
Advanced Statistics, Advice, Bayesian, Career Advice, Statistician, Statistics
- How to Rock a Virtual Data Interview - May 26, 2020.
To help you truly rock your next virtual data interview, we’ve pulled together a few tips that we recommend when conducting our online interviews for The Data Incubator’s Data Science Fellowship Program.
Advice, Career, Data Incubator, Data Scientist, Interview Questions, Virtual Event
- Appropriately Handling Missing Values for Statistical Modelling and Prediction - May 22, 2020.
Many statisticians in industry agree that blindly imputing the missing values in your dataset is a dangerous move and should be avoided without first understanding why the data is missing in the first place.
Advice, Analytics, Business Analytics, Data Preparation, Data Science, Data Scientist, Missing Values, Statistics
- What they do not tell you about machine learning - May 19, 2020.
There's a lot of excitement out there about machine learning jobs. So, it's always good to start off with a healthy dose of reality and proper expectations.
Advice, Career, Machine Learning, Machine Learning Engineer, SQL
- Will Machine Learning Engineers Exist in 10 Years? - May 8, 2020.
As can be common in many technical fields, the landscape of specialized roles is evolving quickly. With more people learning at least a little machine learning, this could eventually become a common skill set for every software engineer.
Advice, AutoML, Career, Machine Learning Engineer, Trends
Should Data Scientists Model COVID19 and other Biological Events - Apr 22, 2020.
Biostatisticians use statistical techniques that your current everyday data scientists have probably never heard of. This is a great example where lack of domain knowledge exposes you as someone that does not know what they are doing and are merely hopping on a trend.
Advice, COVID-19, Data Science, Data Scientist, Statistics
Peer Reviewing Data Science Projects - Apr 13, 2020.
In any technical development field, having other practitioners review your work before shipping code off to production is a valuable support tool to make sure your work is error-proof. Even through your preparation for the review, improvements might be discovered and then other issues that escaped your awareness can be spotted by outsiders. This peer scrutiny can also be applied to Data Science, and this article outlines a process that you can experiment with in your team.
Advice, Checklist, Data Science, Deployment, KPI
- A Layman’s Guide to Data Science. Part 2: How to Build a Data Project - Apr 2, 2020.
As Part 2 in a Guide to Data Science, we outline the steps to build your first Data Science project, including how to ask good questions to understand the data first, how to prepare the data, how to develop an MVP, reiterate to build a good product, and, finally, present your project.
Advice, Beginners, Data Preparation, Data Science, Sciforce
Nine lessons learned during my first year as a Data Scientist - Mar 20, 2020.
What is it like to be a Data Scientist? There can be many hats to wear, and so many problems to solve that are fed with data, churned by data science, and guided by business results. Find out about lessons learned from one Data Scientist about how best to work and perform in the role.
Advice, Career, Data Scientist
- Data Science Curriculum for self-study - Feb 26, 2020.
Are you asking the question, "how do I become a Data Scientist?" This list recommends the best essential topics to gain an introductory understanding for getting started in the field. After learning these basics, keep in mind that doing real data science projects through internships or competitions is crucial to acquiring the core skills necessary for the job.
Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Mathematics, Probability, Programming, Statistics
- Scaling the Wall Between Data Scientist and Data Engineer - Feb 17, 2020.
The educational and research focuses of machine learning tends to highlight the model building, training, testing, and optimization aspects of the data science process. To bring these models into use requires a suite of engineering feats and organization, a standard for which does not yet exist. Learn more about a framework for operating a collaborative data science and engineering team to deploy machine learning models to end-users.
Advice, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Data Scientist, Deployment, DevOps, Machine Learning Engineer, MLflow, MLOps, Production
Why Did I Reject a Data Scientist Job? - Feb 12, 2020.
Snagging that job as a Data Scientist might not be exactly what you were expecting. Consider this advice on carefully considering job titles with what the position might really be like day-to-day.
Advice, Career, Data Scientist
- How to learn data science on your own: a practical guide - Feb 11, 2020.
While much focus today is on the rise in working from home and the challenges experienced, not as much is said about learning from home. For those lone wolfs studying Data Science in a self-directed way, a range of issues can get in the way of your goal. Learn about these common problems to prepare to focus yourself all the way to your educational goals.
Advice, Beginners, Data Science Education, MOOC
How to land a Data Scientist job at your dream company - Jan 31, 2020.
Job hunting for anyone just starting out as a data scientist can require grit, passion, and perseverance before finding the best opportunity. Follow this career search journey to learn what it took -- and the learning resources used -- to land the dream job.
Advice, Career, Data Scientist, Hiring, Interview, Resources
- 2 Questions for a Junior Data Scientist - Jan 24, 2020.
Academic credentials and experience with previous machine learning projects are important for kicking off a data science career. However, landing your first job out of school will require you to extend your thinking about projects and problems. Learn how one interviewer honed in on desired skills by considering these two questions.
Advice, Career Advice, Data Scientist, Domain Knowledge, Interview, Interview Questions
I wanna be a data scientist, but… how? - Jan 20, 2020.
It’s easy to say "I wanna be a data scientist," but... where do you start? How much time is needed to be desired by companies? Do you need a Master’s degree? Do you need to know every mathematical concept ever derived? The journey might be long, but follow this plan to help you keep moving forward toward your career goal.
Advice, Career, Data Scientist, Kaggle
7 Resources to Becoming a Data Engineer - Jan 7, 2020.
An estimated 8,650% growth of the volume of Data to 175 zetabytes from 2010 to 2025 has created an enormous need for Data Engineers to build an organization's big data platform to be fast, efficient and scalable.
Advice, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Engineering, Data Science, MOOC, SQL
- Accuracy vs Speed – what Data Scientists can learn from Search - Jan 2, 2020.
Delivering accurate insights is the core function of any data scientist. Navigating the development road toward this goal can sometimes be tricky, especially when cross-collaboration is required, and these lessons learned from building a search application will help you negotiate the demands between accuracy and speed.
Accuracy, Advice, Lucidworks, Scalability, Search, Search Engine
How To “Ultralearn” Data Science: summary, for those in a hurry - Dec 30, 2019.
For those of you in a hurry and interested in ultralearning (which should be all of you), this recap reviews the approach and summarizes its key elements -- focus, optimization, and deep understanding with experimentation -- geared toward learning Data Science.
Advice, Data Science, Experimentation, Optimization, Ultralearn
- How To “Ultralearn” Data Science: deep understanding and experimentation, Part 4 - Dec 27, 2019.
In this fourth and final part of the ultralearning data science series, it's time to take the final steps toward developing a deep understanding of the fundamentals and learning how to experiment -- the two aspects that are the ultimate keys to ultralearning.
Advice, Data Science, Experimentation, Ultralearn
- The 4 fastest ways NOT to get hired as a data scientist - Dec 18, 2019.
Ready to try to get hired as a data scientist for the first time? Avoiding these common mistakes won’t guarantee an offer, but not avoiding them is a sure fire way for your application to be tossed into the trash bin.
Advice, Career, Data Scientist, Hiring
Open Source Projects by Google, Uber and Facebook for Data Science and AI - Nov 28, 2019.
Open source is becoming the standard for sharing and improving technology. Some of the largest organizations in the world namely: Google, Facebook and Uber are open sourcing their own technologies that they use in their workflow to the public.
Advice, AI, Data Science, Data Scientist, Data Visualization, Deep Learning, Facebook, Google, Open Source, Python, Uber
- Advice for New and Junior Data Scientists - Nov 22, 2019.
If you are a new Data Scientist early in your professional journey, and you’re a bit confused and lost, then follow this advice to figure out how to best contribute to your company.
Advice, Beginners, Career, Data Scientist
- 5 Tips for Novice Freelance Data Scientists - Oct 18, 2019.
If you want to launch your data science skills into freelance work, then check out these important tips to help you kick start your next adventure in data.
Advice, Beginners, Consulting, Data Scientist, Freelance
- 8 Paths to Getting a Machine Learning Job Interview - Oct 10, 2019.
While you may be focused on your performance during your next job interview, landing that interview can be just as hard. Check out these tips for finding and securing an interview for a machine learning job.
Advice, Career, Jobs, Machine Learning
6 bits of advice for Data Scientists - Sep 25, 2019.
As a data scientist, you can get lost in your daily dives into the data. Consider this advice to be certain to follow in your work for being diligent and more impactful for your organization.
Advice, Data Cleaning, Data Scientist, Metrics, Overfitting, Statistics
- 6 Tips for Building a Training Data Strategy for Machine Learning - Sep 2, 2019.
Without a well-defined approach for collecting and structuring training data, launching an AI initiative becomes an uphill battle. These six recommendations will help you craft a successful strategy.
Advice, Machine Learning, Training Data
- Manual Coding or Automated Data Integration – What’s the Best Way to Integrate Your Enterprise Data? - Aug 19, 2019.
What’s the best way to execute your data integration tasks: writing manual code or using ETL tool? Find out the approach that best fits your organization’s needs and the factors that influence it.
Advice, Data Integration, Data Management, Data Science, Data Science Platform, ETL

How to Become More Marketable as a Data Scientist - Aug 16, 2019.
As a data scientist, you are in high demand. So, how can you increase your marketability even more? Check out these current trends in skills most desired by employers in 2019.
Advice, Andriy Burkov, Carla Gentry, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist
Statistical Modelling vs Machine Learning - Aug 14, 2019.
At times it may seem Machine Learning can be done these days without a sound statistical background but those people are not really understanding the different nuances. Code written to make it easier does not negate the need for an in-depth understanding of the problem.
Advice, Data Science, Machine Learning, Statistics
- Ten more random useful things in R you may not know about - Jul 31, 2019.
I had a feeling that R has developed as a language to such a degree that many of us are using it now in completely different ways. This means that there are likely to be numerous tricks, packages, functions, etc that each of us use, but that others are completely unaware of, and would find useful if they knew about them.
Advice, Analytics, Data Science, R
- 12 Things I Learned During My First Year as a Machine Learning Engineer - Jul 23, 2019.
Learn about the day-in-the-life of one machine learning engineer and the important lessons learned for being successful in that role.
Advice, Best Practices, Communication, Machine Learning Engineer, Skills
- How to Showcase the Impact of Your Data Science Work - Jul 10, 2019.
You're a Data Scientist -- or preparing to land your first job -- and communicating your work to others, especially employers, so they understand your impact is essential. These five tips will help you help others appreciate your data science.
Advice, Data Science, Industry
What’s wrong with the approach to Data Science? - Jul 10, 2019.
The job ‘Data Scientist’ has been around for decades, it was just not called “Data Scientist”. Statisticians have used their knowledge and skills using machine learning techniques such as Logistic Regression and Random Forest for prediction and insights for longer than people actually realize.
Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist
Why you’re not a job-ready data scientist (yet) - Jul 9, 2019.
Trying to snag a dream Data Science job, but can't seem to land one? Check out these four skills that companies really want and be prepared for your next interview.
Advice, Career, Data Scientist, Mentorship
- The Data Fabric for Machine Learning – Part 2: Building a Knowledge-Graph - Jun 25, 2019.
Before being able to develop a Data Fabric we need to build a Knowledge-Graph. In this article I’ll set up the basis on how to create it, in the next article we’ll go to the practice on how to do this.
Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist, Graphs, Machine Learning
- Data Literacy: Using the Socratic Method - Jun 20, 2019.
How can organizations and individuals promote Data Literacy? Data literacy is all about critical thinking, so the time-tested method of Socratic questioning can stimulate high-level engagement with data.
Advice, Data Science
- Ten random useful things in R that you might not know about - Jun 20, 2019.
Because the R ecosystem is so rich and constantly growing, people can often miss out on knowing about something that can really help them in a task that they have to complete
Advice, Analytics, Data Science, R
How to Learn Python for Data Science the Right Way - Jun 14, 2019.
The biggest mistake you can make while learning Python for data science is to learn Python programming from courses meant for programmers. Avoid this mistake, and learn Python the right way by following this approach.
Advice, Data Science, Jupyter, Matplotlib, Pandas, Python, scikit-learn, StatsModels
- All Models Are Wrong – What Does It Mean? - Jun 12, 2019.
During your adventures in data science, you may have heard “all models are wrong.” Let’s unpack this famous quote to understand how we can still make models that are useful.
Advice, Linear Regression, Modeling, Statistics
If you’re a developer transitioning into data science, here are your best resources - Jun 11, 2019.
This article will provide a background on the data scientist role and why your background might be a good fit for data science, plus tangible stepwise actions that you, as a developer, can take to ramp up on data science.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Scientist
- Using the ‘What-If Tool’ to investigate Machine Learning models - Jun 6, 2019.
The machine learning practitioner must be a detective, and this tool from teams at Google enables you to investigate and understand your models.
Advice, Data Science Tools, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, TensorFlow
How to choose a visualization - Jun 4, 2019.
Visualizations based on the structure of data are needed during analysis, which might be different than for the end user. A new guide for choosing the right visualization helps you flexibly understand the data first.
Advice, Data Visualization, Tableau
- Becoming a Level 3.0 Data Scientist - May 29, 2019.
Want to be a Junior, Senior, or Principal Data Scientists? Find out what you need to do to navigate the Data Science Career Game.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist
The Data Fabric for Machine Learning – Part 1 - May 21, 2019.
How the new advances in semantics and the data fabric can help us be better at Machine Learning
Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist, Machine Learning
- What’s Going to Happen this Year in the Data World - May 14, 2019.
"If we wish to foresee the future of mathematics, our proper course is to study the history and present condition of the science." Henri Poncairé.
Advice, AI, Big Data, Data Science, Deep Learning
- Data Science vs. Decision Science - May 7, 2019.
Data science and decision science are related but still separate fields, so at some points, it might be hard to compare them directly. We attempted to show our vision of the commonalities, differences, and specific features of data science and decision science.
Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist
The Third Wave Data Scientist - May 6, 2019.
An extensive look at what skills are needed to make up the portfolio of the third wave of data scientists.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Venn Diagram
The 3 Biggest Mistakes on Learning Data Science - May 6, 2019.
Data science or whatever you want to call it is not just knowing some programming languages, math, statistics and have “domain knowledge” and here I show you why.
Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist
- Was it Worth Studying a Data Science Masters? - Apr 23, 2019.
As I started to apply for Data Science roles it quickly became apparent that I was lacking two key skills: applying Machine Learning and coding
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Scientist, UK
How To Go Into Data Science: Ultimate Q&A for Aspiring Data Scientists with Serious Guides - Apr 22, 2019.
To learn ALL the skills sets in data science is next to impossible as the scope is way too wide. There’ll always be some skills (technical/non-technical) that data scientists don’t know or haven’t learned as different businesses require different skill sets.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, Online Education

Data Visualization in Python: Matplotlib vs Seaborn - Apr 19, 2019.
Seaborn and Matplotlib are two of Python's most powerful visualization libraries. Seaborn uses fewer syntax and has stunning default themes and Matplotlib is more easily customizable through accessing the classes.
Advice, Data Visualization, Matplotlib, Python, Seaborn
- 3 Big Problems with Big Data and How to Solve Them - Apr 18, 2019.
We discuss some of the negatives of using big data, including false equivalences and bias, vulnerability to security breaches, protecting against unauthorized access and the lack of international standards for data privacy regulations.
Advice, Bias, Big Data, Privacy, Security
Advice for New Data Scientists - Apr 8, 2019.
We provide advice for junior data scientists as they begin their career, with tips and commentary from a tech lead at Airbnb.
Advice, Beginners, Data Scientist
The Best and Worst Data Visualizations of 2018 - Feb 8, 2019.
We reflect on some of the best examples of Data Visualization throughout 2018, before focussing on some of the not-so-good and how these can be improved.
Advice, Best Practices, Data Visualization, Failure, Sankey
- 6 Data Visualization Disasters – How to Avoid Them - Feb 5, 2019.
If you intend to use data visualizations in a presentation or publication, be certain that your audience will understand and trust the information. Here are six mistakes you will want to avoid.
Advice, Data Visualization, Failure
- 6 Goals Every Wannabe Data Scientist Should Make for 2019 - Nov 22, 2018.
Looking to embark on a new path as a data scientist? That goal may be worthy, but it's essential for people to also set goals for 2019 that will help them get closer to that broader aim.
Advice, Career, Data Science
How to Build a Data Science Portfolio - Jul 25, 2018.
This post will include links to where various data science professionals (data science managers, data scientists, social media icons, or some combination thereof) and others talk about what to have in a portfolio and how to get noticed.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Portfolio, Resume, Social Media
- Advice For Applying To Data Science Jobs - Jun 13, 2018.
A comprehensive guide to applying for a job in data science, covering the application, interview and offer stage.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Jobs
- 6 Tips for Effective Visualization with Tableau - May 29, 2018.
We analyse principles for effective data visualization in Tableau, including color gradients, avoiding crowded dashboards, Tableau marks and more.
Advice, Data Visualization, Tableau, Visualization
- To Kaggle Or Not - May 2, 2018.
Kaggle is the most well known competition platform for predictive modeling and analytics. This article looks into the different aspects of Kaggle and the benefits it can bring to data scientists.
Advice, Competition, Data Science, Kaggle
- Don’t learn Machine Learning in 24 hours - Apr 13, 2018.
When it comes to machine learning, there's no quick way of teaching yourself - you're in it for the long haul.
Advice, Andrew Ng, Machine Learning, Peter Norvig
- Onboarding Your Machine Learning Program - Apr 12, 2018.
Machine Learning's popularity is continuing to grow and has engraved itself in pretty much every industry. This article contains lessons from a data scientist on how to unlock it's full potential.
Advice, Applications, Cats, Industry, Machine Learning
- How To Choose The Right Chart Type For Your Data - Apr 3, 2018.
The power of charts to assist in accurate interpretation is massive and that's why it is vital to select the correct type when you are trying to visualize data.
Advice, Charts, Data Visualization, FusionCharts, Time Series
How Do I Get My First Data Science Job? - Apr 2, 2018.
Here are the steps you need to obtain your first job in data science, including details on how to create a good portfolio, key networking tips, getting the right education and managing expectations.
Advice, Career, Data Science Education, Data Scientist, GitHub, Jobs, Kaggle
- A Day in the Life of a Data Scientist: Part 4 - Apr 2, 2018.
Interested in what a data scientist does on a typical day of work? Each data science role may be different, but these contributors have insight to help those interested in figuring out what a day in the life of a data scientist actually looks like.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Scientist
- 8 Common Pitfalls That Can Ruin Your Prediction - Mar 21, 2018.
A good prediction can help your work and make it easier. But how can you be sure that your prediction is good? Here are some common pitfalls that you should avoid.
Advice, Data Science, Outliers, Overfitting, Predictive Analytics
Your free 70-page guide to a career in data science - Mar 16, 2018.
To help you become a Data Scientist, we put together a guide with answers to: how do you break into the profession? What skills do you need to become a data scientist? Where are best data science jobs?
Advice, Career, Data Science, Springboard
- 5 Things to Know Before Rushing to Start in Data Science - Mar 13, 2018.
Strong math understanding, computing skills, critical thinking and presentations skills provide a strong foundation for a career in Data Science.
Advice, Business Analytics, Career, Data Science, Data Science Education
- How to Survive Your Data Science Interview - Mar 1, 2018.
There are many wonderful things about data science. It’s extreme breadth is not one of them. The title of data scientist means something different at every company
Advice, Career, Data Science, Interview
How To Grow As A Data Scientist - Jan 25, 2018.
In order for a data scientist to grow, they need to be challenged beyond the technical aspects of their jobs. They need to question their data sources, be concise in their insights, know their business and help guide their leaders.
Advice, Career, Data Scientist
Want to Become a Data Scientist? Try Feynman Technique - Jan 24, 2018.
Get over the impostor syndrome by developing a strong understanding about the various Data Science topics using the Feynman Technique
Advice, Data Scientist, Storytelling
Becoming a Data Scientist - Jan 9, 2018.
This article contains a lot of links to resources that I think are very helpful in getting you started to "think like a data scientist" which in my opinion is the most important step of the transition. I hope that you find this useful.
Advice, Data Scientist
Using Deep Learning to Solve Real World Problems - Dec 4, 2017.
Do you assume that deep learning is only being used for toy problems and in self-learning scenarios? This post includes several firsthand accounts of organizations using deep neural networks to solve real world problems.
Advice, Career, Deep Learning, Neural Networks
A Day in the Life of a Data Scientist - Nov 13, 2017.
Are you interested in what a data scientist does on a typical day of work? Each data science role may be different, but these five individuals provide insight to help those interested in figuring out what a day in the life of a data scientist actually looks like.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Scientist
How To Become a 10x Data Scientist, part 1 - Sep 18, 2017.
A 10x developer is someone who is 10 times more productive than average. We adapt tips and tricks from the developer community to help you become a more proficient data scientist loved by team members and stakeholders.
Advice, Algorithmia, Data Science Team, Data Scientist, Data-Driven Business, Programming
What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Data Scientist Self? - Jul 5, 2017.
I was asked this question recently via LinkedIn message: "What advice would you give your younger data scientist self?" The best piece of advice I honestly think I can give is this: Forget about "data science."
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Scientist
- Top /r/MachineLearning Posts, March: A Super Harsh Guide to Machine Learning; Is it Gaggle or Koogle?!? - Apr 4, 2017.
A Super Harsh Guide to Machine Learning; Google is acquiring data science community Kaggle; Suggestion by Salesforce chief data scientist; Andrew Ng resigning from Baidu; Distill: An Interactive, Visual Journal for Machine Learning Research
Advice, Andrew Ng, Distill, Google, Kaggle, Machine Learning, Reddit, Salesforce
How to Get a Data Science Job: A Ridiculously Specific Guide - Mar 7, 2017.
Job hunting is challenging and sometimes frustrating task and we all experience it in our career. Here we provide a very specific and practical guide to get your dream job in Data Science world.
Advice, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Glassdoor, Hiring
- The Human Data Scientist: Safeguarding Your Career in the World of Automation - Feb 28, 2017.
"Data scientist" continues to be recognized as a top career, but does this mean unending spoils for the data scientist? With large scale mass automation on the horizon for numerous professions, what can we do to safeguard our positions?
Advice, Automated Data Science, Career, Data Scientist
- Career Advice for Analytics & Data Science Professionals - Feb 13, 2017.
In our experience working with many quantitative professionals over the years, the two main areas that contribute to long-term career growth are networking and continuous learning. Here is specific advice on how to do this and tips for Continuous Learning.
Advice, Analytics, Burtch Works, Career, Data Science, Hiring
- Sound Data Science: Avoiding the Most Pernicious Prediction Pitfall - Jan 5, 2017.
Data science and predictive analytics can provide huge value, but they can mislead and backfire if not used with fail-safe measures. The author gives examples of such problems and provides guidelines to avoid them.
Advice, Data Science, Model Performance, Overfitting, Predictive Analytics, Statistical Modeling
How to Become a (Type A) Data Scientist - Aug 23, 2016.
This post outlines the difference between a Type A and Type B data scientist, and prescribes a learning path on becoming a Type A.
Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist, Internet of Things, IoT
- Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem - Aug 18, 2016.
If you're looking for an overview of how to approach (almost) any machine learning problem, this is a good place to start. Read on as a Kaggle competition veteran shares his pipelines and approach to problem-solving.
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Advice, Feature Selection, Kaggle, Machine Learning, Modeling
- Building a Data Science Portfolio: Machine Learning Project Part 1 - Jul 20, 2016.
Dataquest's founder has put together a fantastic resource on building a data science portfolio. This first of three parts lays the groundwork, with subsequent posts over the following 2 days. Very comprehensive!
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Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Scientist, Dataquest, Machine Learning, Portfolio, Project, Python
- Ten Simple Rules for Effective Statistical Practice: An Overview - Jun 23, 2016.
An overview of 10 simple rules to follow to ensure proper effective statistical data analysis.
Advice, Data Quality, Noise, Replication, Reproducibility, Statistical Analysis
- 10 Must Have Data Science Skills, Updated - May 23, 2016.
An updated look at the state of the data science landscape, and the skills - both technical and non-technical - that are absolutely required to make it as a data scientist.
Pages: 1 2
Advice, Books, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, MOOC
- Tips for Data Scientists: Think Like a Business Executive - May 18, 2016.
Thinking like a Data Scientist is important; it puts businesses and business leaders in an analytical frame of mind. But it is also important for Data Scientists to be able to think like business executives. Read on to find out why.
Advice, Analytics, Data Scientist
- Three Pitfalls to Avoid When Building Data Science Into Your Business - Apr 27, 2016.
An overview of pitfalls to avoid when building data science into your business, how to avoid them, and what to do instead.
Advice, Data Science Team
When Does Deep Learning Work Better Than SVMs or Random Forests®? - Apr 22, 2016.
Some advice on when a deep neural network may or may not outperform Support Vector Machines or Random Forests.
Advice, Deep Learning, random forests algorithm, Support Vector Machines, SVM
- Does Your Company Need a Data Scientist? - Apr 19, 2016.
Your company needs a data scientist... doesn't it? It very well may not, but you need to know either way. Read on to determine whether or not your company could benefit from the skills of an on-board data scientist.
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Advice, Data Scientist, Noise
- What Developers Actually Need to Know About Machine Learning - Apr 14, 2016.
Some guidance on what, exactly, it is that developers need to know to get up to speed with machine learning.
Advice, Developers, Machine Learning
- Don’t Buy Machine Learning - Mar 28, 2016.
In many projects, the amount of effort spent on R&D on Machine Learning is usually a small fraction of the total effort, or it’s not even there because we plan it for a future phase after building the application first.
Advice, Industry, Machine Learning
- The Inconvenient Truth About Data Science - May 5, 2015.
Data is never clean, you will spend most of your time cleaning and preparing data, 95% of tasks do not require deep learning, and more inconvenient wisdom.
Advice, Data Cleaning, Data Science
- Interview: Eli Collins, Cloudera on Evolution and Future of Big Data Ecosystem - Feb 2, 2015.
We discuss the change in Big Data priorities, risks, Big Data ecosystem, rise of data culture in organizations, challenges, advice and more.
Advice, Big Data, Cloudera, ecosystem, Eli Collins, Strategy, Trends, Vendors
- Interview: Pedro Domingos: the Master Algorithm, new type of Deep Learning, great advice for young researchers - Aug 19, 2014.
Top researcher Pedro Domingos on useful maxims for Data Mining, Machine Learning as the Master Algorithm, new type of Deep Learning called sum-product networks, Big Data and startups, and great advice to young researchers.
Advice, Deep Learning, KDD-2014, Machine Learning, Pedro Domingos, Startups
- Interview: Samaneh Moghaddam, Applied Researcher, eBay on Opinion Mining – Typical Projects and Major Challenges - Jun 27, 2014.
We discuss typical sentiment analysis problems at eBay, underrated challenges, career motivation, important soft skills and more.
Advice, Challenges, eBay, Interview, Samaneh Moghaddam, Skills
- Is Data Scientist the right career path for you? Candid advice - Mar 28, 2014.
Candid advice from an industry veteran reveals the true picture behind the much-talked-about Data Scientist "glamour" and helps people have the right expectations for a Data Science career.
Advice, Career, Data Science, Data Scientist, Hadoop, Paco Nathan, Recommendation, Visualization
- Fractal Analytics Interview Highlights - Mar 27, 2014.
Fractal Analytics CEO on starting the company, competing with the best, managing attrition, attributes he looks for when hiring, 4 different analytics career tracks, strategic bets, and advice for starting data scientists.
Advice, Career, Fractal Analytics, Hiring, Interview
- 7 Steps for Learning Data Mining and Data Science - Nov 28, 2013.
[http likes 823] How to learn data mining and data science? I outline seven steps and point you to resources for becoming a data scientist.
7 Steps, Advice, Data Science Education