- Anecdotes from 11 Role Models in Machine Learning - Nov 12, 2021.
The skills needed to create good data are also the skills needed for good leadership.
Active Learning, AI, Data Science, Influencers, Machine Learning
Don’t Waste Time Building Your Data Science Network - Nov 10, 2021.
Instead, focus on what matters.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Skills
- Three reasons to self-host your product analytics - Nov 2, 2021.
Want three reasons to avoid the cloud and host your own analytics platform? More data, more control, more secure.
Data Analytics, Data Science, Posthog, Tools
Four Basic Steps in Data Preparation - Oct 26, 2021.
What we would like to do here is introduce four very basic and very general steps in data preparation for machine learning algorithms. We will describe how and why to apply such transformations within a specific example.
Data Preparation, Data Preprocessing, Data Science, Missing Values, Normalization, Sampling
- Save Sarah Connor with Data Science - Oct 25, 2021.
Data science and data privacy are deeply interwoven, and must be carefully considered by practitioners. In comparing the Safe Harbour and Expert Determination data obfuscation approaches, Safe Harbour has been very popular among data engineers but has fundamental limitations, where Expert Determination offers important advantages.
Data Analytics, Data Science, GDPR, Movies, Privacy
Data Science Portfolio Project Ideas That Can Get You Hired (Or Not) - Oct 20, 2021.
Choosing what to include in your data science portfolio during the job search is the most important part of the process. Each project should be well-structured so that a hiring manager can assess your skills quickly. To help you get started, we highlight a few data science project ideas that you should consider for your portfolio.
Career Advice, Data Science, Portfolio, Project
- KDnuggets™ News 21:n40, Oct 20: The 20 Python Packages You Need For Machine Learning and Data Science; Ace Data Science Interviews with Portfolio Projects - Oct 20, 2021.
The 20 Python Packages You Need For Machine Learning and Data Science; How to Ace Data Science Interview by Working on Portfolio Projects; Deploying Your First Machine Learning API; Real Time Image Segmentation Using 5 Lines of Code; What is Clustering and How Does it Work?
Clustering, Computer Vision, Data Science, Image Recognition, Interview, Machine Learning, Portfolio, Python
- How Data Professionals Can Impress Even When Busy - Oct 19, 2021.
While there may be plenty of room for advancement even when busy, how to achieve that isn’t always clear. In that spirit, here are five ways you can impress your company leadership.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist

The 20 Python Packages You Need For Machine Learning and Data Science - Oct 14, 2021.
Do you do Python? Do you do data science and machine learning? Then, you need to do these crucial Python libraries that enable nearly all you will want to do.
Data Science, Keras, Machine Learning, Matplotlib, numpy, Pandas, Plotly, Python, PyTorch, scikit-learn, TensorFlow
- How Hasura Improved Conversion Rates By 20% With PostHog - Oct 13, 2021.
Find out how Hasura increased conversion rates by 10-20% by using PostHog for self-hosted product analytics!
Advice, Data Analytics, Data Science, Posthog, Tools
How to Ace Data Science Interview by Working on Portfolio Projects - Oct 13, 2021.
Recruiters of Data Science professionals around the world focus on portfolio projects rather than resumes and LinkedIn profiles. So, learning early how to contribute and share your work on GitHub, Deepnote, and Kaggle can help you perform your best during data science interviews.
Data Science, GitHub, Interview Questions, Kaggle, Portfolio, Project
- Choose The Right Job in Data: 5 Signs To Look For In An Engineering Culture - Oct 8, 2021.
Software engineers seeking jobs at data companies face a new problem: choosing the right job out of all the options. Learn the 5 signs that signal an agile and innovative engineering culture.
Career Advice, Data Engineer, Data Science, Software Engineering
- Dealing with Data Leakage - Oct 8, 2021.
Target leakage and data leakage represent challenging problems in machine learning. Be prepared to recognize and avoid these potentially messy problems.
Cross-validation, Data Science, Datasets, Machine Learning, Modeling, Training Data
Data science SQL interview questions from top tech firms - Oct 5, 2021.
As a data scientist, there is one thing you really need to understand and know how to handle: data. With SQL being a foundational technical approach for working with data, it should not be surprising that the top tech companies will ask about your SQL skills during an interview. Here, we cover the key concepts tested so you can best prepare for your next data science interview.
Amazon, Data Science, Facebook, Google, Interview Questions, SQL
- Advanced Statistical Concepts in Data Science - Sep 30, 2021.
The article contains some of the most commonly used advanced statistical concepts along with their Python implementation.
Career Advice, Data Science, Distribution, Probability, Statistics
- GitHub Desktop for Data Scientists - Sep 29, 2021.
Less scary than version control in the command line.
Data Science, Data Scientist, GitHub, Version Control
- Important Statistics Data Scientists Need to Know - Sep 29, 2021.
Several fundamental statistical concepts must be well appreciated by every data scientist -- from the enthusiast to the professional. Here, we provide code snippets in Python to increase understanding to bring you key tools that bring early insight into your data.
Bayes Theorem, Data Science, Probability, Statistics
- Data Science Process Lifecycle - Sep 29, 2021.
How would it feel to know that without a doubt, the data projects you were working on would create TRUE ROI for your organization? Stick around until the end to get my data science process lifecycle framework so that each data project you run is a smashing success.
Analytics, Data Science, Data Scientist, Workflow

Path to Full Stack Data Science - Sep 27, 2021.
Start your journey toward mastering all aspects of the field of Data Science with this focused list of in-depth self-learning resources. Curated with the beginner in mind, these recommendations will help you learn efficiently, and can also offer existing professionals useful highlights for review or help filling in any gaps in skills.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education, Data Visualization, Mathematics, Python, R, Roadmap
- How Data Scientists Can Compete in the Global Job Market - Sep 24, 2021.
Data scientists wanting to stay competitive or break into the field will need the right approach. These techniques will help them search for and secure a new position.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist

Nine Tools I Wish I Mastered Before My PhD in Machine Learning - Sep 22, 2021.
Whether you are building a start up or making scientific breakthroughs these tools will bring your ML pipeline to the next level.
AI, Data Science, Data Science Tools, Machine Learning, Programming
- Paradoxes in Data Science - Sep 17, 2021.
Have a look into some of the main paradoxes associate with Data Science and it’s statistical foundations.
Data Science, Statistics
- What 2 years of self-teaching data science taught me - Sep 17, 2021.
Many of us self-learn data science from the very beginning. While continuing to self-learn on demand is crucial, especially after you become a professional, there can be many pitfalls early on for learning the wrong way or missing out on key ideas that are important for the real-world application of data science.
Advice, Data Science, Data Science Education
- 85% of data science projects fail – here’s how to avoid it - Sep 13, 2021.
Here are a few common traps that data scientists can avoid to NOT be one of the 85% of data science projects that fail.
Data Science, Failure, Project
- 3 Most Important Lessons I’ve Learned 3 Years Into My Data Science Career - Sep 13, 2021.
After only 3 years of working as a data professional, many tried-and-true lessons can be learned. Here are 3 of the most important lessons learned with key takeaways and reflections shared.
Career, Career Advice, Communication, Data Science, Data Science Skills
- Working with Python APIs For Data Science Project - Sep 10, 2021.
In this article, we will work with YouTube Python API to collect video statistics from our channel using the requests python library to make an API call and save it as a Pandas DataFrame.
API, Data Science, Project, Python

A Data Science Portfolio That Will Land You The Job - Sep 10, 2021.
Landing a data science job is no easy feat, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article provides aspiring data scientists with advice on building a data science portfolio that stands out.
Data Science, Jobs, Portfolio
7 Differences Between a Data Analyst and a Data Scientist - Sep 9, 2021.
This article discusses the 7 key differences between data analysts and data scientists with an aim to help potential data analysts/scientists determine which is the right one for them. I touch on day-to-day tasks, skill requirements, typical career progression, and salary and career prospects for both.
Career Advice, Data Analysis, Data Analyst, Data Science, Data Scientist
- 300 Data Science Leaders Share What’s Holding Their Teams Back - Sep 8, 2021.
Flawed investments in people, processes, and tools are crushing potential business impact.
Data Science, Domino, Survey Analysis
- KDnuggets™ News 21:n34, Sep 8: Do You Read Excel Files with Python? There is a 1000x Faster Way; Hypothesis Testing Explained - Sep 8, 2021.
Do You Read Excel Files with Python? There is a 1000x Faster Way; Hypothesis Testing Explained; Data Science Cheat Sheet 2.0; 6 Cool Python Libraries That I Came Across Recently; Best Resources to Learn Natural Language Processing in 2021
AI, Cheat Sheet, Data Science, Excel, Hypothesis Testing, Machine Learning, Python, Statistics
- How Machine Learning Leverages Linear Algebra to Solve Data Problems - Sep 7, 2021.
Why you should learn the fundamentals of linear algebra.
Data Science, Linear Algebra, Machine Learning, Mathematics
- ebook: Learn Data Science with R – free download - Sep 7, 2021.
Check out this new book for data science beginners with many practical examples that covers statistics, R, graphing, and machine learning. As a source to learn the full breadth of data science foundations, "Learn Data Science with R" starts at the beginner level and gradually progresses into expert content.
Data Science, Data Science Education, ebook, R

How to Create Stunning Web Apps for your Data Science Projects - Sep 7, 2021.
Data scientists do not have to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build web pages.
Apps, Data Science, Python, Streamlit
- 6 Cool Python Libraries That I Came Across Recently - Sep 3, 2021.
Check out these awesome Python libraries for Machine Learning.
Data Science, Machine Learning, Python
Data Science Cheat Sheet 2.0 - Sep 1, 2021.
Check out this helpful, 5-page data science cheat sheet to assist with your exam reviews, interview prep, and anything in-between.
Cheat Sheet, Data Science
- Data Science Project Infrastructure: How To Create It - Aug 30, 2021.
The intension for most data science projects is to build something that people use. Creating something purposeful requires a solid infrastructure and processes that keeps problem-solving front-and-center for your audience.
Data Science, Infrastructure, Project
- How causal inference lifts augmented analytics beyond flatland - Aug 27, 2021.
In our quest to better understand and predict business outcomes, traditional predictive modeling tends to fall flat. However, causal inference techniques along with business analytics approaches can unravel what truly changes your KPIs.
Analytics, Causality, Data Science, Python, Regression
- 15 Python Snippets to Optimize your Data Science Pipeline - Aug 25, 2021.
Quick Python solutions to help your data science cycle.
Data Science, Optimization, Pipeline, Python
Learning Data Science and Machine Learning: First Steps After The Roadmap - Aug 24, 2021.
Just getting into learning data science may seem as daunting as (if not more than) trying to land your first job in the field. With so many options and resources online and in traditional academia to consider, these pre-requisites and pre-work are recommended before diving deep into data science and AI/ML.
Data Science, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Python, Roadmap, Statistics
- 5 Things That Make My Job as a Data Scientist Easier - Aug 23, 2021.
After working as a Data Scientist for a year, I am here to share some things I learnt along the way that I feel are helpful and have increased my efficiency. Hopefully some of these tips can help you in your journey :)
Data Science, Data Scientist, Metrics, Pandas, Plotly, Python, Time Series, Visualization
- Stack Overflow Survey Data Science Highlights - Aug 20, 2021.
The results of the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey were recently released, which is a fascinating snapshot of today's developers and the tools they are using. Have a look at some selections from the report, particularly those which may be of interest to data professionals.
Cloud, Data Science, Databases, Developers, Programming, Programming Languages, StackOverflow, Survey
- How to Select an Initial Model for your Data Science Problem - Aug 20, 2021.
Save yourself some time and headaches and start simple.
Data Science, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Modeling
- 5 Data Science Career Mistakes To Avoid - Aug 19, 2021.
Everyone makes mistakes, which can be a good thing when they lead to learning and improvements over time. But, we can also try to first learn from others to expedite our personal growth. To get started, consider these lessons learned the hard way, so you don’t have to.
Career Advice, Data Science, Mistakes
- 15 Things I Look for in Data Science Candidates - Aug 19, 2021.
This article presents advice for anyone looking or hiring for data science jobs, written by someone with practical and useful insight.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist
- When Correlation is Better than Causation - Aug 18, 2021.
Identifying causality in an analysis isn't always practical. We show a heuristic approach for using correlations to inform decisions.
Causation, Correlation, Data Science
- What I Learned From “Women in Data Science” Conferences - Aug 17, 2021.
Read the author's perspective after attending 3 "Women in Data Science" conferences.
Data Science
- Introduction to Statistical Learning Second Edition - Aug 13, 2021.
The second edition of the classic "An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Applications in R" was published very recently, and is now freely-available via PDF on the book's website.
Books, Data Science, Machine Learning, R, Statistical Learning, Statistics
- How My Learning Path Changed After Becoming a Data Scientist - Aug 10, 2021.
I keep learning but in a different way.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist, Learning
- Using Twitter to Understand Pizza Delivery Apprehension During COVID - Aug 6, 2021.
Analyzing customer sentiments and capturing any specific difference in emotion to order Dominos pizza in India during lockdown.
Analytics, COVID-19, Data Science, Retail, Sentiment Analysis, Twitter
- Essential Math for Data Science: Introduction to Systems of Linear Equations - Aug 6, 2021.
In this post, you’ll see how you can use systems of equations and linear algebra to solve a linear regression problem.
Data Science, Linear Algebra, Mathematics

Most Common Data Science Interview Questions and Answers - Aug 5, 2021.
After analyzing 900+ data science interview questions from companies over the past few years, the most common data science interview question categories are reviewed in this guide, each explained with an example.
Data Science, Interview Questions
- How To 2x Your Data Analytics Consulting Rates (Overnight) - Aug 3, 2021.
Looking to up your data analytics consulting rates? Learn exactly what most freelancers are charging, and the rates you SHOULD be charging as a business intelligence and analytics consultant. This post will show you what you need to know to achieve maximum results for your data consulting career.
Analytics, Career Advice, Careers, Data Science
GPU-Powered Data Science (NOT Deep Learning) with RAPIDS - Aug 2, 2021.
How to utilize the power of your GPU for regular data science and machine learning even if you do not do a lot of deep learning work.
Data Science, GPU, Python
- Online Master’s in Data Science from Northwestern - Jul 29, 2021.
Build statistical and analytical expertise as well as the management and leadership skills necessary to implement high-level, data-driven decisions in Northwestern's online Master of Science in Data Science program. Apply now!
Data Science, MS in Data Science, Northwestern, Online Education
A Brief Introduction to the Concept of Data - Jul 29, 2021.
Every aspiring data scientist must know the concept of data and the kind of analysis they can run. This article introduces the concept of data (quantitative and qualitative) and the types of analysis.
Beginners, Data Analytics, Data Science, Qualitative Analytics, Quantitative Analytics, Statistics
- The Brutal Truth About Data Science - Jul 28, 2021.
Many organizations approach data science as though it was a marketing tool — relabeling things that they already do as ‘data science’ as it involves the use of data. That is not real data science, and it completely misses the point of engaging in data science.
Data Science, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist
- Python Data Structures Compared - Jul 27, 2021.
Let's take a look at 5 different Python data structures and see how they could be used to store data we might be processing in our everyday tasks, as well as the relative memory they use for storage and time they take to create and access.
Data Science, Programming, Python
Not Only for Deep Learning: How GPUs Accelerate Data Science & Data Analytics - Jul 26, 2021.
Modern AI/ML systems’ success has been critically dependent on their ability to process massive amounts of raw data in a parallel fashion using task-optimized hardware. Can we leverage the power of GPU and distributed computing for regular data processing jobs too?
Data Analytics, Data Science, Deep Learning, GPU
- 5 Mistakes I Wish I Had Avoided in My Data Science Career - Jul 26, 2021.
Everyone makes mistakes, which can be a good thing when they lead to learning and improvements over time. But, we can also try to first learn from others to expedite our personal growth. To get started, consider these lessons learned the hard way, so you don’t have to.
Career Advice, Data Science, Mistakes
Why and how should you learn “Productive Data Science”? - Jul 26, 2021.
What is Productive Data Science and what are some of its components?
Books, Career Advice, Courses, Data Science, Python
- Top Python Data Science Interview Questions - Jul 23, 2021.
Six must-know technical concepts and two types of questions to test them.
Data Science, Interview Questions, Programming, Python
- When to Retrain an Machine Learning Model? Run these 5 checks to decide on the schedule - Jul 20, 2021.
Machine learning models degrade with time, and need to be regularly updated. In the article, we suggest how to approach retraining and plan for it in advance.
Data Science, Deployment, Machine Learning, MLOps

Advice for Learning Data Science from Google’s Director of Research - Jul 19, 2021.
Surfing the professional career wave in data science is a hot prospect for many looking to get their start in the world. The digital revolution continues to create many exciting new opportunities. But, jumping in too fast without fully establishing your foundational skills can be detrimental to your success, as is suggested by this advice for data science newbies from Peter Norvig, the Director of Research at Google.
Advice, Beginners, Data Science, Data Science Education, Machine Learning, Peter Norvig
- Streamlit Tips, Tricks, and Hacks for Data Scientists - Jul 13, 2021.
Today, I am going to talk about a few tips that I learned within more than a year of using Streamlit, that you can also use to unleash your powerful DS/AI/ML (whatever they may be) applications.
Data Science, Data Scientist, Streamlit, Tips
- A Lightning Fast Look at Single Line Exploratory Data Analysis - Jul 8, 2021.
Here's a very quick look at how you can perform EDA with a single line of code using D-Tale.
Data Analysis, Data Exploration, Data Science, Data Visualization
- How To Transition From Data Freelancer to Data Entrepreneur (Almost Overnight) - Jul 6, 2021.
Data freelancers trade hours for dollars while data entrepreneurs have found a way to make money while they sleep. Ready to make the transition? Keep reading to learn how to do it as SEAMLESSLY and PROFITABLY as possible.
Career Advice, Data Science, Entrepreneur, Freelance
- Prepare Behavioral Questions for Data Science Interviews - Jul 2, 2021.
This is part 5 of a series by the author which helps readers nail the data science interviews with confidence.
Career Advice, Data Science, Interview Questions
- Learning Data Science Through Social Media - Jul 1, 2021.
Want your social media algorithms to show you actual algorithms? Spare a moment during your social media scrolling to learn a bit of data science. Here are suggestions for at-a-glance access to good ideas and tips on your favorite platforms.
Data Science, Social Media

5 Lessons McKinsey Taught Me That Will Make You a Better Data Scientist - Jul 1, 2021.
How to stand out from your peers in the data world.
Career Advice, Communication, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist, McKinsey
- Unleashing the Power of MLOps and DataOps in Data Science - Jun 29, 2021.
Organizations trying to move forward with analytics and data science initiatives -- while floating in an ocean of data -- must enhance their overall approach and culture to embrace a foundation on DataOps and MLOps. Leveraging these operational frameworks are necessary to enable the data to generate real business value.
Best Practices, Data Science, DataOps, MLOps
- 10 Mistakes You Should Avoid as a Data Science Beginner - Jun 29, 2021.
Read this article on how to gain a competitive advantage in the data science job market.
Beginners, Career Advice, Data Science
What will the demand for Data Scientists be in 10 years? Will Data Scientists be extinct? - Jun 24, 2021.
Participate in the latest KDnuggets survey and share your opinion: what does the next decade have in store for data scientist demand?
Data Science, Data Scientist, Poll, Survey, Trends
- In-Warehouse Machine Learning and the Modern Data Science Stack - Jun 24, 2021.
As your organization matures its data science portfolio and capabilities, establishing a modern data stack is vital to enabling such growth. Here, we overview various in-data warehouse machine learning services, and discuss each of their benefits and requirements.
Amazon Redshift, Analytics, BigQuery, Cloud, Data Science, Data Warehouse, Machine Learning, Modern Data Stack
- Create and Deploy Dashboards using Voila and Saturn Cloud - Jun 23, 2021.
Working with and training large datasets, maintaining them all in one place, and deploying them to production is a challenging job. In this article, we covered what Saturn Cloud is and how it can speed up your end-to-end pipeline, how to create dashboards using Voila and Python and publish them to production in just a few easy steps.
Analytics, Cloud, Dashboard, Data Science, Machine Learning, Python
- Data Science is Not Becoming Extinct in 10 Years, Your Skills Might - Jun 18, 2021.
4 reasons why data science is here to stay and what you need to do to ensure that your skillset stays in demand.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist
- 7 Data Security Best Practices for 2021 - Jun 15, 2021.
Here are seven data security best practices to adopt this year.
Cybersecurity, Data Science, Security

Data Scientists Will be Extinct in 10 Years - Jun 14, 2021.
And why it’s not a bad thing.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Data Scientist

Top 10 Data Science Projects for Beginners - Jun 11, 2021.
Check out these projects for ideas to strengthen your skills and build a portfolio that stands out.
Beginners, Data Science, Portfolio, Project
- Data Scientists, You Need to Know How to Code - Jun 9, 2021.
You need to know how to code — and not just code, but write good code.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist, Programming
- How a Single Mistake Wasted 3 Years of My Data Science Journey - Jun 9, 2021.
Self-paced courses are just sleeping pills; Industry experts are the right choice.
Courses, Data Science, Experts, Mistakes
- SAS® Visual Data Science Decisioning powered by SAS® Viya®: Free Trial - Jun 8, 2021.
SAS® Visual Data Science Decisioning provides the ultimate analytics experience. Start your free trial and get access to the latest in data visualization, machine learning, forecasting, model deployment and more.
Analytics, Data Science, Data Visualization, Decision Support, SAS, Viya
- 5 Data Science Open-source Projects You Should Consider Contributing to - Jun 7, 2021.
As you prepare to interview for a position in data science or are looking to jump to the next level, now is the time to enhance your skills and your resume with by working on rea, open-source projects. Here, we suggest a great selection of projects you can contribute to and help build something awesome, so, all you need to do choose one and tackle it head on.
Caffe, Data Science, Data Science Skills, GitHub, Google, Machine Learning, Open Source
Will There Be a Shortage of Data Science Jobs in the Next 5 Years? - Jun 3, 2021.
The data science workflow is getting automated day by day.
Automation, Career Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist

How I Doubled My Income with Data Science and Machine Learning - Jun 1, 2021.
Many career opportunities exist in the ever-expanding domain of data. Finding your place -- and finding your salary -- is largely up to your dedication, focus, and drive to learn. If you are an aspiring Data Scientist or have already started your professional journey, there are multiple strategies for maximizing your earning potential.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Machine Learning, Salary
- Essential Math for Data Science: Basis and Change of Basis - May 28, 2021.
In this article, you will learn what the basis of a vector space is, see that any vectors of the space are linear combinations of the basis vectors, and see how to change the basis using change of basis matrices.
Data Science, Linear Algebra, Mathematics
- Where Did You Apply Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning in 2020/2021? - May 25, 2021.
Take part in the latest KDnuggets survey, and let us know where you have been applying Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning in 2020/2021.
Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Poll, Survey
- These Soft Skills Can Make or Break Your Data Science Career - May 25, 2021.
In an industry long ruled by hard skills, the future career success of tomorrow’s data scientists might well depend on their ability to deploy a variety of soft skills into the workplace.
Career Advice, Communication, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Decision Making
- 6 Business Trends Benefiting Data Scientists - May 21, 2021.
Here are six business trends making data scientists even more in-demand.
Business, Data Science, Data Scientist, Trends
- Awesome list of datasets in 100+ categories - May 20, 2021.
With an estimated 44 zettabytes of data in existence in our digital world today and approximately 2.5 quintillion bytes of new data generated daily, there is a lot of data out there you could tap into for your data science projects. It's pretty hard to curate through such a massive universe of data, but this collection is a great start. Here, you can find data from cancer genomes to UFO reports, as well as years of air quality data to 200,000 jokes. Dive into this ocean of data to explore as you learn how to apply data science techniques or leverage your expertise to discover something new.
Big Data, Data Science, Datasets
A checklist to track your Data Science progress - May 19, 2021.
Whether you are just starting out in data science or already a gainfully-employed professional, always learning more to advance through state-of-the-art techniques is part of the adventure. But, it can be challenging to track of your progress and keep an eye on what's next. Follow this checklist to help you scale your expertise from entry-level to advanced.
Advice, Beginners, Data Preparation, Data Science, Deep Learning
- Animated Bar Chart Races in Python - May 18, 2021.
A quick and step-by-step beginners project to create an animation bar graph for an amazing Covid dataset.
COVID-19, Data Science, Data Visualization, Pandas, Python, Visualization
- Best Python Books for Beginners and Advanced Programmers - May 14, 2021.
Let's take a look at nine of the best Python books for both beginners and advanced programmers, covering topics such as data science, machine learning, deep learning, NLP, and more.
Analytics, Books, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Python
Rebuilding My 7 Python Projects - May 5, 2021.
This is how I rebuilt My Python Projects: Data Science, Web Development & Android Apps.
Data Science, Programming, Project, Python
- Feature Engineering of DateTime Variables for Data Science, Machine Learning - Apr 29, 2021.
Learn how to make more meaningful features from DateTime type variables to be used by Machine Learning Models.
Data Science, Feature Engineering, Machine Learning, Python
- How to Build an Impressive Data Science Resume - Apr 28, 2021.
Every one of us needs a resume to showcase our skills and experience but how much effort are we putting into it to make it impactful. It is undeniable that resumes play a key role in our job application process. This article will explore some simple strategies to significantly improve the presentation as well as the content of data science resumes.
Career Advice, Data Science, Resume
- Best Podcasts for Machine Learning - Apr 28, 2021.
Podcasts, especially those featuring interviews, are great for learning about the subfields and tools of AI, as well as the rock stars and superheroes of the AI world. Here, we highlight some of the best podcasts today that are perfect for both those learning about machine learning and seasoned practitioners.
AI, Data Science, Machine Learning, Podcast
- Using Data Science to Predict and Prevent Real World Problems - Apr 28, 2021.
Do you have an interest in data science but lack an understanding of what, exactly, it can be used to accomplish in the real world? Read this article for a few examples of just how helpful data science can be for predicting and preventing real world problems.
Data Science, Prediction
Why You Should Consider Being a Data Engineer Instead of a Data Scientist - Apr 27, 2021.
A new king of the jungle has emerged.
Career Advice, Data Engineer, Data Engineering, Data Science, Data Scientist
- Data careers are NOT one-size fits all! Tips for uncovering your ideal role in the data space - Apr 23, 2021.
Thriving as a data professional is about more than just making good money! It’s about FULFILLMENT & IMPACT. In this article, I will help you discover the BEST data role for you given your unique skill sets, personality & goals.
Career Advice, Careers, Data Engineering, Data Science
Data Science Books You Should Start Reading in 2021 - Apr 23, 2021.
Check out this curated list of the best data science books for any level.
Books, Data Science, Data Scientist, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
How to ace A/B Testing Data Science Interviews - Apr 22, 2021.
Understanding the process of A/B testing and knowing how to discuss this approach during data science job interviews can give you a leg up over other candidates. This mock interview provides a step-by-step guide through how to demonstrate your mastery of the key concepts and logical considerations.
A/B Testing, Data Science, Interview Questions
- Top 10 Must-Know Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Scientists – Part 1 - Apr 22, 2021.
New to data science? Interested in the must-know machine learning algorithms in the field? Check out the first part of our list and introductory descriptions of the top 10 algorithms for data scientists to know.
Algorithms, Bagging, Data Science, Data Scientist, Decision Trees, Linear Regression, Machine Learning, SVM, Top 10
How to organize your data science project in 2021 - Apr 19, 2021.
Maintaining proper organization of all your data science projects will increase your productivity, minimize errors, and increase your development efficiency. This tutorial will guide you through a framework on how to keep everything in order on your local machine and in the cloud.
Advice, Data Science, GitHub, Project
Top 3 Statistical Paradoxes in Data Science - Apr 15, 2021.
Observation bias and sub-group differences generate statistical paradoxes.
Bias, Data Science, Simpson's Paradox, Statistics
- A/B Testing: 7 Common Questions and Answers in Data Science Interviews, Part 2 - Apr 8, 2021.
In this second article in this series, we’ll continue to take an interview-driven approach by linking some of the most commonly asked interview questions to different components of A/B testing, including selecting ideas for testing, designing A/B tests, evaluating test results, and making ship or no ship decisions.
A/B Testing, Career Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist, Interview Questions
Awesome Tricks And Best Practices From Kaggle - Apr 5, 2021.
Easily learn what is only learned by hours of search and exploration.
Data Science, Kaggle, Machine Learning, Tips
What’s ETL? - Apr 2, 2021.
Discover what ETL is, and see in what ways it’s critical for data science.
Data Processing, Data Science, ETL
- A/B Testing: 7 Common Questions and Answers in Data Science Interviews, Part 1 - Apr 1, 2021.
In this article, we’ll take an interview-driven approach by linking some of the most commonly asked interview questions to different components of A/B testing, including selecting ideas for testing, designing A/B tests, evaluating test results, and making ship or no ship decisions.
A/B Testing, Career Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist, Interview Questions
- Software Engineering Best Practices for Data Scientists - Mar 30, 2021.
This is a crash course on how to bridge the gap between data science and software engineering.
Data Science, Data Scientist, Programming, Python, Software Engineering
- Overview of MLOps - Mar 26, 2021.
Building a machine learning model is great, but to provide real business value, it must be made useful and maintained to remain useful over time. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), overviewed here, is a rapidly growing space that encompasses everything required to deploy a machine learning model into production, and is a crucial aspect to delivering this sought after value.
Data Science, Deployment, Machine Learning, MLOps, Monitoring
- 15 Habits I Learned from Highly Effective Data Scientists - Mar 24, 2021.
I’m using these habits in 2021 to become a more effective future data scientist.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist

Top 10 Python Libraries Data Scientists should know in 2021 - Mar 24, 2021.
So many Python libraries exist that offer powerful and efficient foundations for supporting your data science work and machine learning model development. While the list may seem overwhelming, there are certain libraries you should focus your time on, as they are some of the most commonly used today.
Data Science, Keras, numpy, Pandas, Python, scikit-learn, Seaborn, TensorFlow
How to Succeed in Becoming a Freelance Data Scientist - Mar 23, 2021.
With recent growth in data science, now is the best time to get into freelancing. The following steps will help you get started with finding clients or help you improve your current strategy.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist, Freelance
- How to frame the right questions to be answered using data - Mar 18, 2021.
Understanding your data first is a key step before going too far into any data science project. But, you can't fully understand your data until you know the right questions to ask of it.
Advice, Data Analysis, Data Exploration, Data Science, Data Visualization
- Forget Telling Stories; Help People Navigate - Mar 15, 2021.
When designing reporting & visualizations, think of them as part of a navigation framework rather than stand-alone information.
Data Analysis, Data Science, Infographic, KPI, Storytelling
- Kedro-Airflow: Orchestrating Kedro Pipelines with Airflow - Mar 12, 2021.
The Kedro team and Astronomer have released Kedro-Airflow 0.4.0 to help you develop modular, maintainable & reproducible code with orchestration superpowers!
Data Science, Interview, Pipeline, Python, Workflow
Must Know for Data Scientists and Data Analysts: Causal Design Patterns - Mar 12, 2021.
Industry is a prime setting for observational causal inference, but many companies are blind to causal measurement beyond A/B tests. This formula-free primer illustrates analysis design patterns for measuring causal effects from observational data.
Causality, Data Science, Design, Design of Experiments, Statistics
A Machine Learning Model Monitoring Checklist: 7 Things to Track - Mar 11, 2021.
Once you deploy a machine learning model in production, you need to make sure it performs. In the article, we suggest how to monitor your models and open-source tools to use.
Checklist, Data Science, Deployment, Machine Learning, MLOps, Monitoring
- How to Speed Up Pandas with Modin - Mar 10, 2021.
The Modin library has the ability to scale your pandas workflows by changing one line of code and integration with the Python ecosystem and Ray clusters. This tutorial goes over how to get started with Modin and how it can speed up your pandas workflows.
Data Science, Distributed Systems, Modin, Pandas, Python, Workflow
3 Mathematical Laws Data Scientists Need To Know - Mar 2, 2021.
Machine learning and data science are founded on important mathematics in statistics and probability. A few interesting mathematical laws you should understand will especially help you perform better as a Data Scientist, including Benford's Law, the Law of Large Numbers, and Zipf's Law.
Benford's Law, Data Science, Mathematics, Zipf's Law
The Ultimate Guide to Acing Coding Interviews for Data Scientists - Mar 2, 2021.
This article covers understanding the 4 types of coding interview questions and preparing for them effectively.
Data Science, Data Scientist, Interview Questions, Programming

Top YouTube Channels for Data Science - Mar 1, 2021.
Have a look at the top 15 YouTube channels for data science by number of subscribers, along with some additional data on the channels to help you decide if they may have some content useful for you.
Data Science, Youtube
Data Science Learning Roadmap for 2021 - Feb 26, 2021.
Venturing into the world of Data Science is an exciting, interesting, and rewarding path to consider. There is a great deal to master, and this self-learning recommendation plan will guide you toward establishing a solid understanding of all that is foundational to data science as well as a solid portfolio to showcase your developed expertise.
Data Engineering, Data Preparation, Data Science, Data Science Education, Python, Roadmap, SQL
- 5 Supporting Skills That Can Help You Get a Data Science Job - Feb 25, 2021.
If you want to stand out among your fellow applicants, here are some supporting skills you should develop.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Science Skills, Skills
- The Difficulty of Graph Anonymisation - Feb 25, 2021.
Lessons from network science and the difficulty of graph anonymization. A data scientist's take on the difficultly of striking a balance between privacy and utility in anonymizing connected data.
Anonymized, Data Science, Graph Analytics, Graphs, Privacy, Singapore
How Reading Papers Helps You Be a More Effective Data Scientist - Feb 24, 2021.
By reading papers, we were able to learn what others (e.g., LinkedIn) have found to work (and not work). We can then adapt their approach and not have to reinvent the rocket. This helps us deliver a working solution with lesser time and effort.
Career Advice, Data Science, Data Scientist, Research
- Pandas Profiling: One-Line Magical Code for EDA - Feb 24, 2021.
EDA can be automated using a Python library called Pandas Profiling. Let’s explore Pandas profiling to do EDA in a very short time and with just a single line code.
Data Analysis, Data Exploration, Data Science, Pandas, Python
- Data Observability, Part II: How to Build Your Own Data Quality Monitors Using SQL - Feb 23, 2021.
Using schema and lineage to understand the root cause of your data anomalies.
Data Engineering, Data Quality, Data Science, Data Science Platform, SQL
- People Skills for Analytical Thinkers - Feb 19, 2021.
Research shows that people skills are becoming more important with the rise of AI. A great way to boost these skills is by reading the new book: People Skills for Analytical Thinkers.
Analytics, Book, Communication, Data Science, Data Science Skills
- 10 resources for data science self-study - Feb 17, 2021.
Many resources exist for the self-study of data science. In our modern age of information technology, an enormous amount of free learning resources are available to anyone, and with effort and dedication, you can master the fundamentals of data science.
Data Science, Data Science Certificate, Data Science Education, Kaggle, MOOC, Python, Youtube