Access to high-quality, noise-free, large-scale datasets is crucial for training complex deep neural network models for computer vision applications. Many open-source datasets are developed for use in image classification, pose estimation, image captioning, autonomous driving, and object segmentation. These datasets must be paired with the appropriate hardware and benchmarking strategies to optimize performance.
Modern AI/ML systems’ success has been critically dependent on their ability to process massive amounts of raw data in a parallel fashion using task-optimized hardware. Can we leverage the power of GPU and distributed computing for regular data processing jobs too?
We don’t really understand something before we implement it ourselves. So in this post, we will implement a Question Answering Neural Network using BERT and a Hugging Face Library.
If you are wondering how you can take advantage of NVIDIA GPU accelerated libraries for your AI projects, this guide will help answer questions and get you started on the right path.
AutoNLP is a beta project from Hugging Face that builds on the company’s work with its Transformer project. With AutoNLP you can get a working model with just a few simple terminal commands.
AI researchers today have many exciting options for working with specialized tools. Although starting original projects from scratch is often not necessary, knowing which existing library to leverage remains a challenge. This list of generally unknown yet awesome, open-source libraries offers an interesting collection to consider for state-of-the-art research that spans from automatic machine learning to differentiable quantum circuits.
Thanks to the diversity of the dataset used in the training process, we can obtain adequate text generation for text from a variety of domains. GPT-2 is 10x the parameters and 10x the data of its predecessor GPT.