Top 10 AI, Machine Learning Research Articles to know - Jan 30, 2020.
We’ve seen many predictions for what new advances are expected in the field of AI and machine learning. Here, we review a “data set” based on what researchers were apparently studying at the turn of the decade to take a fresh glimpse into what might come to pass in 2020.
2020 Predictions, Adversarial, Anomaly Detection, Autoencoder, Convolutional Neural Networks, Graph Theory, NLP, Transformer, Trends
- Top 5 AI trends for 2020 - Jan 21, 2020.
We are all witnessing a staggering growth of AI technology with so many new benefits for people while also changing the way we live and work. As AI continues to grow, which applications will have a significant impact in 2020?
2020 Predictions, AI, Automation, Chatbot, Healthcare, Privacy, Retail, Trends
- The Future of Machine Learning - Jan 17, 2020.
This summary overviews the keynote at TensorFlow World by Jeff Dean, Head of AI at Google, that considered the advancements of computer vision and language models and predicted the direction machine learning model building should follow for the future.
2020 Predictions, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, NLP, Transformer
Top 10 Technology Trends for 2020 - Jan 16, 2020.
With integrations of multiple emerging technologies just in the past year, AI development continues at a fast pace. Following the blueprint of science and technology advancements in 2019, we predict 10 trends we expect to see in 2020 and beyond.
2020 Predictions, AI, AutoML, Baidu, Blockchain, IoT, NLP, Quantum Computing, Research
Top 5 must-have Data Science skills for 2020 - Jan 8, 2020.
The standard job description for a Data Scientist has long highlighted skills in R, Python, SQL, and Machine Learning. With the field evolving, these core competencies are no longer enough to stay competitive in the job market.
2020 Predictions, Agile, Cloud Computing, Data Science Skills, Deep Learning, Deployment, GitHub, NLP
AI, Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning Technology Main Developments in 2019 and Key Trends for 2020 - Dec 11, 2019.
We asked leading experts - what are the most important developments of 2019 and 2020 key trends in AI, Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Science, and Deep Learning? This blog focuses mainly on technology and deployment.
2020 Predictions, AI, Analytics, Bill Schmarzo, Carla Gentry, Data Science, Doug Laney, Jen Underwood, Kate Strachnyi, Machine Learning, Meta Brown, Ronald van Loon, Tom Davenport, Trends
The 4 Hottest Trends in Data Science for 2020 - Dec 9, 2019.
The field of Data Science is growing with new capabilities and reach into every industry. With digital transformations occurring in organizations around the world, 2019 included trends of more companies leveraging more data to make better decisions. Check out these next trends in Data Science expected to take off in 2020.
2020 Predictions, Automated Data Science, AutoML, Cloud Computing, Data Science, NLP, Privacy, Security, Trends
AI, Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning Research Main Developments in 2019 and Key Trends for 2020 - Dec 9, 2019.
As we say goodbye to one year and look forward to another, KDnuggets has once again solicited opinions from numerous research & technology experts as to the most important developments of 2019 and their 2020 key trend predictions.
2020 Predictions, AI, Ajit Jaokar, Analytics, Andriy Burkov, Anima Anandkumar, Daniel Tunkelang, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Pedro Domingos, Research, Rosaria Silipo, Xavier Amatriain